Chap.6. according to S° Jo x N. 37 flefh, and drinkingofhis blond ; or that this ditcourfe pertainsno- thing at all thereunto. The Papílls have expunged a great part of Origens Commentary upon this Chapter, as direelly making a- gainft their monfter of Tran ù)flantiation.AndCardinallCampeiur 4a, am,iT,,, affirmed againft Luther, that faith is not neceflary to him that re- jot 77 L. ceiveth the Sacrament. As for Bcllarrtine, although we beleeve, Bell lib...ap. faith he, that all vertuen are found in the Church, yet that any man , de- acre¡. may be abfolutely (aid to bea member of the true Church, wedo matt. not think that any inward vertue isrequired, but only an external'. profeffaonof the faith, andEuch communion of the Sacraments, as is received by the outward man. Tnis mark very well agrees co Lie Churchof Rome,whereió if any be truly vertuous, it is by meer. accident; as Cicero wittily faidof theEpicures, that ifany oneof Si quando viri them weregood, he was meetly overcomeby thegoodneffe of his boa= Ii+ r, vinci nature ; for they taught a licentious loofentfie. bonitate naru- Verle 5 3. Exeept ye eat the fl:J, &e. ] Fulbert Bithop of r-e. Charters ( who lived in the eleventh century ) fpz.aking upon the Eucharift,hath there words ; Except yeeat the lief' of the Son of man,&c. Fatima velfi:gitium videtur ju'ere. Figura ergo eft, pracipiens paffioni Domini e fe communicandun. ttiatetm, & f a- Fo!. 168. niter cv utiliter rsconderdum inmmoria, quadpro nobis caro ejus crucifxa vulnerata eft. Now in the year of Chrift a 6o81 there was fet out an edition of him in Paris, where we have in- -terferted, after Figura ergo e, , thefe words, D icit Hareticau ; to make what Fulbert fpoke off'ertivè -from AAuguf$ine, to fpeak re. citative ofthe Heretick, as if the heretick thou ld lay, This is a f - gure, &c. which if admitted, then ther's no Tranfubftantiation. Ve110 Chili. The wordsproduced byFulbert, are indeed St Augusiines._ And lie.& cap 16. -the publithr of Fulbert being told hereof; that the words were (a/fugal-tines, thathehad branded with herefie, heput afterwards his Dicit Hareticus.aarongft -.his Errata, as ye may read in Bhhop Offers anfwer to the Jvtiuiceschallenge, 5. Verle ,6i This is an hard Eying] The hardneff,.. was in them- (elves, not in the word.; but that mutt bear the blame howloever z as the in Seneca that was ftricken with Eudden Windt-Rile,and then cried out of the light An hypocrite is not d;tcuvered, till upon fame criticall point. If it come to amatter ofcoft, hecries, What needs thiüWa/te ? ifof pains,. This wan hardraying. Verfe63. It is the drat that quickneth] Had thofe carnal"- . Capernaites but Rayed out our Saviours Sermon, they might have - D. 3 been