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38 Commentary upon the Gle6 Chap.7, been fatisfied for the fenfe ofhis words, that they fo (tumbled at, and had not patience to hear him here expounding himfel£ uo_ ni im (krifiiani(Pontificii)mandocant Deurx,quemadorant, f t anima mea cnm 'Philofophto, faid Averroes ; who, had he conflated wick Divines,might haveknownmore. Verfe 69. We beleeve andhave known] In mattersofDivinity, we mutt firft beleeve, and then know, not know, and then beleeve. In humane Sciences it is othevwife : Men are brought to affent and beleeve by experience, knowledge, and fenfe; as to beleeve that fire is hot;&c. But here, beleeve,and affent, go before.experi- mentall knowiedge,fenfe and ufe. CifAP. VII. Verfe 2. TheFeatt ofTabernacles] T' He Jews at this feaft dwelt without doors, in boothes and bowers,in remembrance of their wandringof old thorow the wilderneffe. This gave occafion to Plutarch, andother prophane Plot. evNto?. Heathens, to devife and broach fomany bafe lyes ofthe Jews, as if they were worfhippers ofBacchus. Florue calls the Templeof 5. lerufalem, impieetentisarcanum. Another tellsus, that the Jews iere4forced to reff: every feventh day, for an evil difeafe theyhad cleavinguhto them. Verfe 5. For neither did his brethrenbeleeve] This the Jews at this-day read withmuchwonderment; and take occafion from this Blunts voyage Text, toHander our Saviours miracles, asnothing fo manifeft aswe into conceive them,Gth his own kinredbeleevednot in him. Verfe I r. Where is he ?J Not, Where is Iefou ? They could not 'finde in their hearts to call him by hisName, they were fo full of malice againft him. So Iofephs brethren called him not tofeph, but the Dreamer : Saul asked not for `David, but the Son of ,'1e1. and Men, effe. After Stephen Brune the Martyr was put to death, his ad- fot.szo, verfaries commanded it tobecried, That none should make any more mention of him, under pain of herefie. And ubicunque in- venitur narren Calvini,delcatur, faith the Index expurgatorios. Iuk,ó.zn. But what faith our Saviour, 'Blcfed are ye, mhos me» (hall hate Pasir.Annai, you, The wifecHtfforian obferved,?thatlheStatues of Brtut andlCaf- fius, co preefulgebant, good non vifebantur. And Cato faid, he had rather men fliould queflion why he had noStatue or Monu- ment