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Chap.7. according. to S` J'0 H N. ment ereftedr to him, then why he had i,. Verle r 3. For fear of the yew.? ] Who had madean order:( it feems) fomewhac like that of the Jefuites edits at Dela in the Countrey of Burgundy, that for prevention of heretic., noman fhould fpeakof God, either in good tort, or bad. This the Jews did, r. To fave themfelves a labour of confuting our Saviours Heyi.Geo,p. doCìrine. 2. To perfwade the people that it was fùch horrible 39 124. blatphemy, as was not fit to be named. So the Papilts debar the people all foundof the Relìgion,in prohibiting the books of the re- formed Writers, andhiding their ownTreatifes, wherein the Tenet ofthe Proteltants is recited, only tobeconfuted a to that you (hall Hey!. Ge ^g. p. feldome in all Iraly meet withBellarmines works, or any of the likenature to be fold. Verle 20. Thou haft a devil] This he paffeth by as a frontkfre flander,not worth refuting but proceeds CO maintain the lawful- nelleof that he had done on the Sabbath-day. - Sincerity throws off flanders, as Pauldid the Viper; yea, in an holy fcorn, it laughs at them,as the wilde afle doth at the horte,and his rider. Wicelitu and Cochleas. tay,that we betraied the Rhodes (faith Melancrhon) and fomeother fuch foul bufineflès they lay to our charge. There are fuch grofle lyes, that we need not diprove them: let them tell as Dicantipfto. many fuch lyes of us as they will, &c. our namesare oyled, they ljaquad tie, will not ítick. Verle 2a._ re on the Sabbath-day circumcife] q.d. If you may wound a man on the Sabbath day,maynot I heal one ? If you may heal on the Sabbath one member of thecircumcifed, maynot I. make a man whole every whit ? if you be at pains tacure fuch aone with your hand ; may not I without pains cure a man with my word only ? What if circumcifion be a Sacrament ? fo was this that 1 have done, a fpeciall meansof bringing much glory Arbitror non. to God, nuúos opinata. Verte 24.. 7ndge not according to the appearance] Nothing is yuod non f,- i more ordinarywithmany, then to precipitate acenture,to exercice aat non fe,rfiJj¢ their criticks, and to reprehend that which they do not compre- quod.n>Ç u. head. I fuppote, faith Augaftine, that divers in reading tome de t'ria.t., c;., places in My books, will think that I thought, that .which never A' nal. tom.ó, came into my miede to think, and the contrary. This was his fear, ad ,4n.45 a. and this befell him, as Baronies witneiTeth, Corn erturn e/r, faith n'17. P J gran.epif. Erafines ; It is well known, that many points are condemned as a,i cardinal,, heretical) in Luthers books;. which in Ault ins and Bernardpbooks Moguntin. D 4, are