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4° Real 8. psg 9r ]'ref, to the Cathol. Rea der, .:ui t0'azu di' e Dolninicara vacat temulen- tie,Mitts, d?' alem audit bet- 1¢e Lorna, &c. Eral. 3 col in Epi/á.odEpif. B1ft.dede/eílu ciboruot. Mal. 115. Gsi.Marnter. Pral. z g. ACommentary upon theGollel Chap. 7, are read and received for good and orthodox. Hill in his quartern ofreafons, faith, the Catholikes follow the Bible, but the Prote- flants force the Bible to follow them. And the authourof the Gagge for the newGofpel,aflures his Catholikes,that our condem- nation is fo exprefly fet down in ourown Bibles, and is fodeer co all the world, that nothing more needs hereto,then that they know to read, and to have their eyes in their heads, at the opening ofour Bible. This is their judgement of us. But what among themfelves? He that miltsan egge, faith Erafrnus, at an undue time, is call in prifon, and made to anfwer for his heretic : but he that Ipends all the Lords-day in drinking,drabbing,dicing, is called agood fellow, andpaflethunpunifhed. Verfe 27. No man knoweth Whence he is] This errour might mile out of foreTexts of Scripture mifunderflood, as Ifa.53Y. Tfal. 1 10 4. We fhould whenever we open the Bible, pray, Lord open mine eyes, that Imayfee the Wondrous things of thy Lary. Verfe 28. Ye both knowme] Either this is an Ironie, or elfe a heavy aggravation of their fin ; a proofe that they finned that fin unto death, 17oh.5. 16. for which there remains nomore facrifice, Heb. to. i6. Two fortsof men inour times are indanger of this fin. i. Hypocritical! profefours. 2. Thofe they call the Wits of the World, your molt knowingmen. Verfe 33. Yet a little While am IWithyou] Chrifl isbut a while withmen in the opportunities of grace. There is a prime of mans life, yea,aprimeof every mans miniflery. Chrifl fluids (not fits at thedoor) and knocks. Nowwhile one is flandiug, he is going. Verte 34. Ye/hall feekme, &c. ] Becaufe ye t call dye in your fins, which is worfe then to dye in a ditch. Verte 35. Teach the Gentiles] Which the Jewscould not en- dure to think on. They profeile ar this day, thar rather then the H,athen-baftards fhould Lave benefit by their Meflïas, they would crucifie him over and over, Luk.4.25. The rullicksofNazarerh underfiood our Saviour of preaching to the Gentiles, whichput them into an anger, andhim intoa danger. Verle 36. what manner of eying is this ? ] He would not tell the Jews what he meant by this dark laying. His Ditciples he told afterwards, chap. t 3. and 16. The fecret of the Lord is with them that fear him: when thewicked fhall be neither of his Court,nor Councell. Verfe37,38. In the laft day J In this eight day ( which the Jews 1