Chap.7. according to SeJo H N. 41 Jewscalled HofànnaRabbah)they read theTaft fè&ion of the Law, and likewife began the firft; lift they might otherwifefeem more rremei. cx joyfull in ending their feftions, then willing to begin them. Upon Talmud this day alfo,by the inftitution ( fay they) of Haggaiand Zechary, (but more likely,by their own fuperítition)they did, with great fo- lemnity and joy, bring great fore of water from theRiver Shill- Codm. Anal, oh to the Temple; where it being delivered unto the Priefls,ít was Qy, poured capon the Altar, together withwine ; and all the people fang that of the Prophet, If . r 2.3. itithjoy¡heIlyedraw Water,out ofthe Wels o ffalvation. Hereunto ourSaviour is thought to allude, Verf.3 8. Outofhis belly 'hallflowRivers ofWater ; provided,that he beleeve in me, fò as the Scripture faith, he fhould. For fo ( after Chry(flume) Heinfitst,De-dieu, and others expound it. Verfe 41. Shall Chrift come out of Galilee ? ] Satan ( that fubtle Sophifter,) thoughhe confeffed Chrilt to be the holy One of God; Mark.i 24. Yet hecalleth him Jefus ofNazareth, tonou- rifh the errour of the multitude, that thoughthe wasborn there, and fonot the Meffias. Neither didhis cunningdeceive him, as here appeareth. Satan etfzJewel videatur verax, zanieseft mendax, Pucholcerrt. f em erfallax, faith one. Diabolu ca ite blanditur, ventre ob- uperta. leHat, & caudaligat, faith another. Verfe46. Neverman fake like this man] it is good tocome to the Word, though with ill intent; they that come CO fee fafhi- ons only,as Mofes came to the Bufh,may be called as he was.Thry that come but to fleep, may be taken napping, as Father Latim:r faith. They that come to catch, may becaught,as there in the Text. The fèrpent that comes forth to fing, may becharmed ere hego back. When Henry Zutphen was preacher at Breme, the holy Catholikes couldnot be idle, but Pent their Chaplains to every Ser- mon, to trap him in his words. But God ( whole foot-paths are in the midlt of the flood) would have his marvellous power to be leen in them,for he converted many of them : infomuch,thac the great- er part of them that were fent to hearken, did openly witneffehis doEtrine to beGods truth, againft which no man could contend ; AT and tit®n, and fuch as in all their life before they had not heard ; perfwading ft them likewife, that they forfaking all impiety, fliould follow the Word of God, and beleeve the fame, if they wouldbe faved. But the chief priefts, Canons,and Monkes were to indurate and harden- ed, with Pharaoh, that they became the worfe for thefe admo- nitions. Verle