Trapp - BS2562 T73 1647

42 A Commentary upon the Go(jel Chap.7. Vede 48. Have anyofthe Rulers ,&e.] Argumentumflultum, faithTheophylalt. Sapientes fapienter in inernum defcendunt, faith one. And Potentes potenter torquebuntur, faith another. None fo deep in hell, as knowingmen ; they are too wife tobe fa- ved by the foolifhnefleof Preaching. But Paul the bablermust be heard, ere heaven can be had. Verfe49. But thispeople, &c. ] He howled and wept ( laidD. 4tf.andMon. Story concerning Philpot ) in the Convocation -houfe, and made fo/.16 31. fuchadoe, as never man did, even as all the heretikes do when they lack learning to anfwer. When as yet M. Philpot difputing in the Convocation-houle againft the Sacrament of the Altar, made this. offer : If I (hall notbe able tomaintain byGods Word that I have faid, andconfound any fix of you, let me be burned with as many .i id.rzSç. fagots as be in London, before the Court gate; and this heuttered with great vehemencyof fpirit, which the cankerd Doftour haply called howling and weeping. Verte 5o. Nicodemtu faith unto them ] Good bloud will not A'Osuris, belye itPelf : love, as fire, will not long be hid. Croefus his dumb HHuoa Rep"s7ov. fon not but fpeak, fee his father to be (lain. Nicade- crodcr. coup to ready mm, , though hitherto a night-bird, now (hews himfelffor Chrift ina Councell. How far had 7uda4 outftripped Nicodemus, till it came to theupfhot? Nicodemus wasonly a night-profeffour, 70- ¿u in the fightof all. Nicodemus a flow-fchollar, 7udees aforward- Preacher. Yet at Taft, when faadas betrayed Chrift in the night.; Nicodemus faithfully profefled him in the day, etc. Verfe 52. art thou alp of Galilee] They thought to mock him out of his Religion, as the devil dotti many at this day. Bat Nicodemus was well refolved : and if we can bear reproach for Chrift, its an argument we mean to flick to him ; as the fervant in the Law, that was brought tobeboared in the ear. And Gajetan gives the reafon Vt finon harreret fervitutem, horreret faltem i gnosa9inia yr publicam,ut multos habeat in/pet-bores & tefter. Verfe 35. And every man Went, &c. ] Nicodemus, with one word featonably put in, diffolves the Councell, and keeps them, for this time; from attempting againft Chrift. See what one man may do against a mifchievous multitude other whiles ; 111e regit d=Ilse %'b s animos, Copellora mulcet. What aftickler was Nehemiah at ye- rufalem, Paphnutius at the NiceneCounfell,wicliffe,Hus,Lu- ther, in their generations ? Its good to be doing, though therebe few or none to fecundus: and though webe asked, as that good Bi(hop _