Trapp - BS2562 T73 1647

Chap.8. according to St Jo H N. BifhopLiberias was by the Arian Emperour Conrtantius, Quo- ta pars es tuorbis terrarum ? It is laid ofLuther, quad onus homo , taus totius,orbts impetum fiff>tinuerir. 43 Tbeodaret. lib, s,c,p.i6. CIAp.VIII Verfe I. ?efusWent unto the Mount ofOlives ] 1 zTs ufuall'Oratory. There he prayed bynight ; and thenearly in the morning he came again into the Temple topreach. thus he divided his time betwixtpraying andpreaching. Sodid the Mi- nifters ofthe old Teflament,Deut.33, ro.and oftheNew, AÉt6.z. Somuff all that will do goodof it ; fith Paul may plant, Apollo: z Cor.3 6. water, but God only gives increafe. Verfe 3. Andthe Scribe, &C:] D'eft bee hiftoria apud quam- plurimos interpreter. Beza. Verfe 4. In the very ael ] Gr. In the very theft : perhaps to intimate the great theft that is in adultery ; whiles the childe of a d uroQdPef' ftranger carries away the goods or lands of the Family which Cape of therefore theadultereffe is bound in confcience toconfelle. Saint P Paul givescharge, that noman go beyond, anddefraud his brother vefaud. i.e. in the matter : that is, in the matterofthe marriage bed ; but that :tt re Venerea, every one potèfte his veílell, that is, his wife, the weaker vefhell, in itteuigunr.Hi- fanftification and honour, as tome interpret it. area, c hryfot3, Verfe 5. Such jbould be ftoned ] Adultery was to bepunifhed Heinfius. withdeath. Society and thepurity ofpofterity couldnot otherwife continue amongft men : which is well obferved by Divines to be the reafon, why adultery is named, under itall uncleanneffe being Hurt ofConic. forbidden; when yet other violationsare more heinous, as Sodo. P' 133' my, and befliality : Nevertheleffe, other fumes do node direetly fight againft fociety, which theLaw mainlyrefpetts. Vette 9. Convilied by their own confcience] Which is Gods fpie, and mans over-leer, index, judex, vindex : fo that finners á7oxrárPt are [elf condemned, and oft betrayed by their own blufhing, and Tog. heart-beating, when yet theoffence is fecret. Yea, a man feels an inward fhame inhis ownheart, difgracing,and abufinghim,though hemake no outwardPhewofit. For albeit an innocent perfon, up- on the foulnefle ofan afperfion,may conceive fhame, as didDa- vid, Pfalm,44 r5. Yet it is ufually, the effect of an dill con- fcience. Verfe