44 A.aabaptiti firipferunt a- duiferia non e% fepunienda per ho.nines, ëcc Joh Ylatel.loC. C071 p 487. 7g1. Seal. De Su6rihtat. Frov.r 5.2.4. ACommentary upon the Go el Chap.8. Ver(e i I. Neither do Icondemne thee] Hence an Anabaptift will argue, that adultery is not to be purnfhed ( as they did from that Text, Whoremengers andadulterers God Will judge, there- fore men ought not tomeddle with them, ) But theymay as well fay, that inheritances are not to be divided between brethren,be- cauie our Saviour refilled todivide them,Luk,i 2.14 is being with- out the lifts of his calling ; nopróper employment of his. Verle 12. 1 am the light of the World ] AvJe oit, ut Plato loqui. tar, ia Aï; ta.g-, ut Scaliger. The light oflit ] Light in good and bad men differs as the light of the Sun ( wherein is the influence of an enliveningpower) and the light of torches. Verle 15. 1judge no man] viz,. After the fleih,as ye do. Chri- ftians are 0. Antipodes eó the world ; yea, they have their feet there, where other mens heads are ; they gonot only another, but an up- per way to work. 'Like Eagles, they delight in high flying. Verle 18. Iam one that bear witnrJfe, &c. ] Chrift is Mitts fromhis Father, not Aliud. Another perfon,not another thing. As in the prrfonof Chrift, there is aliad, t aliad ( againfl Eutyches) not alites & alites (againft Nefforixs.) In this Text, the Divinity of Chris is plainly diftinguilhed from his humanity : how elfe fhouldhe and the Fatherbe two witntffes to himlelf? Vede 19. Ifye hadknown me, &c.]For milk is not fo like milk, as Chrift is like his Father. . Verte 21. Te Jhalldye in your fins] A heavy doome, the very door to damnation. It is a fad thing to dye inprifon, to dye in z ditch,but far worfe to dye in your fins. This is tobe thin With death, according to that, Revel.2.21. I Will kill her childrenWith death. All men dye, but wicked men only are killed. with death. Is a godly man faid, that he did agroture vitalizer: fo do all the righteous, mori vitalizer, becaufe they have hope in their death ; which to them is as the valley of Achor, adoor of hope, to give entrance into ParadAfe. Whereas to the wicked, it is as a trap-door to let them into hell : fo that it is a juif wonder, that forefeeing their danger, theygo not roaring and ravingout of theworld. No- thing fhould be done (we fay Ito trouble a dying perfon,no lhre,k- ing or crying out. Oh take heed,and prevent the lirreikings ofcon -_ scienceat that hour, &c. Take heed yedye not inyour tin, in that your fin of unbelief. In hoc peccato (as Be..ahere rendereth it ;) for unbeliefamts a man up clofe prifoner in the Laws dark dungeon till