Chap.B. according to o H N. 45. till death come with a Writ of Habeas corpus, and heil, with a Writ of Habeas animam, &c. Verte 23. 7eare frombeneath] Vos in (I malescfi is, Ego Sri- pernas, B: n. So the wicked are called the inhabitants of theearth, and of the fea, inoppofician to the Church, which is faid to be in heaven, and called ?erasfa lem which is above. Verle 24. For ifye beleeve not, &c.] And yet Venator the Ar- minian faith, Nego hancpropofitionem, Nemo potell falvus fieri, qui Chrifto per veram fidcm non eft infitus. Is not this to con - tradi t Ch rift to his face ? what an os durum is this ? Verfe 25. Even the fame that I rid, &c.] To wit, The Way, the truth, and the life. Some render it thus ; Prorfus id quod la- guar vobifcum, I am the very fame Word that I (peak with you. Verfe a8. When ye have lift up the Son, &C.] a. Upon the Crofle,as the brazen Serpent was upon a pole. And z. by the Cro(fe to the Crown, though they intended no (Lich thing. If therebeany way to Heaven on horfe-back ( faid that Martyr) it is by the Croffe. Verfe 31. Ifye continue in my Word ]'Non quemuntur in Chri- ftianis initia,fedfinis, faith Hierome.And that which is but almoll done, is not done faith Bajl. It is the evening that crowns the day, and the lait aft that commends the Whole fcene.Temporaries flath- ings, are but like Conduites runningwith wine at the Coronation; that will not hold : or like aLand-flood, that feems to be a great ea,but comes to nothing. Verfe 32. The tr 4th !ball nyaks, you Pee] From the tyranny offin, and terrour of hell. Paul: freedome faved him from whip- ping ; this, from perilhing. Verfe 33.. Werenever in bondage] When yetthey werefearce ever out of bondage to one enemy or another. At this time they were vaffals to the Romans. But brag's a good dog. Pride will bud, Spaniards are raid to be impudent braggers, and ex- treamely proud, in the lowefl ebbe of fortune. There is not more vainglorious people this day under heaven, then the Iews ( faith tufted,) Antiq>rum obtinent, they are no changelings, they fill up the meatureof their fathers fins. Verfe 34. Is the fervant of linne] Hach as many Lords as lusts : That as., /luguftine faid ofRome, in herpride : Saeconquer- ed countries, but was vanquished of vices : And as the Perfzan Kings commanded the whole world,but.were.commanded by.their wives Rev, 1.4,a6. Bradford. 7G aa'p ódt?Dv ;DVÓ5,6 ;Ap- tly ßalil Aftszs.2g., Hcy:. Geog. pa{. ¡o. /Wed: Chine!. 4;t . Servitat era. viotl e/t fibi. ('rvire. a. Vq51;ìx Gen- tia:n,captiva vitiorurp Aa3.,