46 it Cosmnenaary upon the !;o¡pel Clhap.g. wives and concubines ; fo is it with finnes (laves. This flavery they c.oivaxum may cafìly_fhake off, faith Seneca: wherein the wife man was ut- fiarumCaprivi. terly out, heavenly Wide as Sr Phili Sidney en lifheth Toto errat cold. Verfe qc. A man that bath told you the truth.] Yea, but you tib, i, tell them not toothieffe truth, but fuch as breeds hatred. He that .- 4ap e prizeth (preacheth) truth, (hall never pr.ofperby the poffeflion or profeflìon thereof,faithSrWalterRawleigh, And,Truth is a good mrftreffe, faith another ; but he that followeth her too clofe at heels,mayhap have his teeth ftruck out. The hearing oftruth galles; as theywrite of force creatures, that they have Jilin acre. Pra- dicare,nihil aliadef ,qu/zoo erivare in[furorem mundi, faid Luther, who had the experience ofit. Verfe 41. We have one Father, even God.] Yet God is not in their heads, Pfal, to.4.nor hearts, Tfal. 14,I. nor words, Tfal. I z. 4. nor wayes, Tit, c .16. In fuch a poihure of diflance, nay de- fiance,fl:and wicked men. And yet none fo forward to call god Fa- ther.Jer.3.4.g. Verfe 43. Why doe ye not under 'land my Breech ?] Any more then if I fpake to you in a firange language. So, many of our. hearers. Verfe 44. Ye are cf your father the devil,] Who hath fet his iimbes in you : fo that ye are as like him,as iffpit out ofhis mouth. Satan is called the God ofthis world; becaufe asGod at firfI did but fpeake the word,and it was done : fo ifthe divel do but hold up his finger, give the leaft hint, theyobey him. 1 eJ 'rd T/'e lujts ofyour father ye Will do.] If the fruits of the flefh Serra. of g,p, ( (aid that Martyr) grow out of the trees ofyour hearts, furely, p.zc. furely, the devil is at Inne with you: You are his birds, whom whenhe hath well fed, he will broach youand eate you, thawyou agd champyou,world without end,ineternal' woand ntifery,e:9-.c. Buc`c'e. eí9nd abode not in the truth.] Si re an in confpeFfu Der tantas res aufus efi,quid spudnos non audebit Whin he fe::kfth a lye, he fiea.lzth of his own.] And fo when wedo evil, we workede noflro, c fecundunn hoentnem, a Cor. 3. 3 It is as impofíible for us naturally todo good, as fora toad to fpet cordials. For he is alier, and the father of' it.] The devil did only equivo- cate to our fluff parents, and yet is here called a lyar, and z Cor, 11.3.a cozener, A lye hath been alwayés held hatefull : but equi- vocation