ChW.9. according to S`J o II N. 47 vocation is now let forth, of later impreffion. The Jefitites have called back th s peft from hell, alate,for the comfort ofaf;`iicied Catholicks, as Arch- Priefl Blackwell, and Provinciali Garnet fha- mednot CO profeffe. ESE anttem ¡'tnna peateotemper faeundtfmum rnendarjt,faith Luther. He began his kingdom by a lye, and by lyes he upholds it, as were eale to inflance. See my Noteson Genet[, chap. 3. ver.5. Verfe 48 That thou art a Samarimn.] And why a Samaritan, trove, but that they thought the worft word in their bellies good enough for him ? Malice cares not what it faith, fo it may kill or gall : and thefe dead dogs(as he calleth Shimei)will be barking'. z Sam. Ie 9. The Primitive Perfecutours ufed CO put Chriftans into bears and doggs skins,or other ugly creaturer,and then bait them: fo doe the wicked put the Saints into ugly conceits, & then fpeak againft them Verfe 54. It is my father that honoureth me.] According to t Sams. ;ó. that, Them that honour me IWill honour: this is a bargain of Gods own making. Fame follows vertue, as the íhadow, the body : or ifnor, yet the is proprio contenta theatro, content with her own applaufe. Verfe 55. Yet ye have not known hint.] There is a two fold knowledge ofGod: i.Apprehenfve. 2.Afle ìive,or copoofcitiva, (landing in [peculation, and direltiva vita. Verfe 59. Then too they up ftonci.] This is mercer msndi, the worlds wages. Let's look up, with Stephen, and fee Heaven, as , he did, thorow a fhowre of['tones, &c. CH'A P. IX. Verfe r., He /2waman Which taw blínde] 1 His was enough tomove Chrift to mercy, the fight of a fit ob-- jeft. WhenGod fets us up an Altar, be we ready with our la- crifce. Verfe 2. YYO didfinne, this man ?] How could he finne before I ahutierout he was borne ? But the Difciples dream's ofa Pythagoricalltranf- bidet do- ,,;ate animation ;hence this foolifh queftion. -`-No Verfe 3. But that t1.e -Work! of Cod &c,] Hine L,virlexand.r Alcs, Pang, inquit, duplicem hadet ordirationem, Vean adculpam, quit pracedit ; alterar» ad ölcriarr., guano pracedit, God fome- timnes Alias' for his one glory, but fitune is never at . the bot- , tome.