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ACommentary upon the Go(peg Chap. 9. tome. And though God doth not alwa es a y fflift his for Urine, as .6. ob : yet .Iob well to confider, that God cxa(letá of him, job° r ` lefe then his iniquity deferveth, as Zophar telleth him. V_rfe 4. Whiles it is day.] As o: her mendo, 'Pfal, too, tz. None can fay he !hall have twelve houres to his day : And night ( death) is a time ofreceiving wages,not ofdoingworke.On this moment depends eternity ; on the weake[t Wier hangs the greaten weight. Vetfc 6. Madeclay.] As he did at firfl in making Man,(the Poets tell us Ionic Each thing of their Prometheus) to (hew that this cure was done by that Almighty power, that he put forth in the Creation. Verfe7. He Went his WayandWafbed,] He obeyed Chrift blind- ling. He looked not upon Siloamwith Syrian eyes, as Naaman did upon lordan : but, palling by the unlikelihood ofa cure by fuck a means, hebeleeveth, and doeth as he was bidden, without fcif- citation. Verte 16. This man is not of God.] True, if he had indeed made no confcience ofkeeping the Sabbath.SanEtifying the Lords ehriflianue day in the primitive times was a badgeofChrillianity. When the fum, intermit. queftion was propounded, Servafi Dominican ? Haft thou kept teerrne non pof- the Sabbath? the anfwer was returned, I am a Chrillian and may not do other wife. The enemies and hinderers of fanftifying the B. white. Sabbath, are called unbeleevers, vagabonds and wicked fellows, .4t7 andMon. 4e-1417.2,5. That late great Antifahbatarian Prelate,fo much aft semeripfum o;ft y the re[t,after hehad ferved their turnes,might well have cry- dereftaraa eft, ed out with Cardinal' Wo fy, Surely, if I had been as carefull to qudd Regi po ferveGod as I was to leaíe men, I had not been at this affe. rots quàm Dee p p 17adui, tpla- How cana man that isaliinner.] Yes that he may, by divine cere. Scultec, permiflion, or at lull he may do fomethinglikea miracle; as the Simon. talfe prophets, and Antichrift. Snetonius tells us, that t e.fafaan Vie in Vefjraf, cured a blinde man by (pittingupon his eyes. And Dio teftifieth thathe healedanother,that had a weakand withered hand,by tread- ing upon it. Andyet VeT16afaan lived and died a Pagan. This there- fore was no convincing argument, that the Jews hereufed. Verfe 17. He is a prophet,] The more the Pharifees oppofed the truth, the more it appeared. Prime abfeondi ernhefcit, faith Tertullian. The Reformation was much furthered in germany by the Papifts oppofition. Among many others, twoKings wrote againft Lather viz. Henry 8th of England, and Ludovieau of Hungary.