Chap.9. according to StJ o It N. 49 Hungary. This Kingly title, being entred into the controvert;, made men more curious ; And as it happeneth incombats,that the lookerson are ready to favour the weakcr,and to extoll his anions, though they be but mean : fohere it flirred up a generali inclina - tion toward Luther,faiththe Authoar of'the bill, of the Councell Hi (Lot- Cosec. of Trent. Lutheralfo in anepitl le to the Eledor ofSaxony, tri- of nee. fol. umpheth, and derideth the foolifh wifdomeof the Papitts,in i6. canting him and the other Protellant Pcinces, toreheatfe the con- scuuet. Banat, feflion oftheir faith in a publike Aflemhly ache !fates of Ger- =74, many, and in fending copies thereofto all the Courts ofChriften- dome for advice : whereby the Gofpe] was more propagated, and the caufe of Chrifl more advanced, then if many preachers had been tent out,ar d licenfed. Vei fe 2 T. He i6 ofage. ] ;Imciety ixct. Felixa6 iìÀI riArxáx, fay the Etymolegifls, ut felixfit homo Pride & vegete etatis, corpore Becman, animo valons. Verle a 2. Put out of the Synagogue.] This was that kinde of excommunication they called Nidaui or feparation; and filch where by the Greeks calledAvo,maxiti ..ávoyand Auv,tulveurct. There where twoother more heavy kind of excommunications in ofa- mong the Jews, Cherem, and Samatha or Maranatha, which they derive as low as fromHenoch, Jude. i . The Heathens alto had their publike execrations, not rattily to be ofd againtl any : of enim execratio res trißti, & mali minis, faith Plut-arch : whotheref Dre highly commends that Athenian Priefi, that being commanded by the people ro curie efJlci6iades, refufed to do it. That Archflamenof Rome, the Pope, is like a warp : no fooner an- Crm pontifex gry, bur. out comesa fling (an excommunication) which being nom dira, in once out, is like a fools dagger, ratling and ínappmg without an Ludivic.: edge, &c. It was grown to a Proverb among our fore- fathers, Gall. Rege ne, In nomine Domini incipit omne malten,. John Cornford, (oneof Vorneret; atgui Pre- the fix lath that were Lurnt in England for the true Religion) ( ndirill) non when he heard himfelf'e and his fellows excommunicated, furred recandicau. with a vehement zeal of God, and proceeding in a more trueex, fapontifex con- communication againfl the Papifls, in the nameofthem all, pro- ftirutweft.Fir. nounced fentence againfl them in there words, In.the nameof our ton, lib. , de LordJefus Chrifl, and by the powerof his holy Spirit, and the ge/tia Gaüor, authority cf his holy Catholike and Apoticlike Church, we do give here into thehandsof Satan tobe dellroyed, the bodies ofall thofe blafphemers and heriticks, that do maintain any erreur E againfl