50 ACommentary upon the Gof el Chap.9,, againft his moltholy word, or do condemn his molt holy truth for herefie,to themaintaining of any falfe Church,or feigned Religion: Aa. and Mon. fo that by this thy jufl judgement, moll mighty God, againft thine fot. i se:, adverfarks, thy true Religion may be known, to thy glory, and our comforts, and to the edifying ofall our Nation. Good Lord, fo be it. Verte 24. Give God the glory] It appears, 7op:.7.19. and z Sam, 6.5. that this was tome folemne forme, inufe among that people when they required anoathofdelinquents : This the hypo- crites made Life of, as when the devils adjured Chrift by the living God not to raft them out. So their fore- fathers would perfecute godly men, and moleft them withChurch Cenfures, and then fay, Let the Lordbeglorified, Ifa.66.5. With likehonefty, as the Con- fpiratours in K. Richard the feconds timehere in England indor- fedall their Letters, with Glory be to Godon high, onearthpeace, good gill towards men: This poor man might have anfwered as Rob. Smith the Martyr did, when Bonner began the fentenceof AEI. andMon. death againft him, In Dei nomine, Ye begin in wrong name, faithhe. Verfe v7. Will ye al( be his Difciples ?] A bold fpeechof fo mean a man fo little inlightned, to theChief- Priefls and Pharifees. Such was that of DirickCarver to Bonner ; Your do- etrine is poifon and forcery. If Chrift were here, you would put fit. and Men. him to a worfe death, then he was pat to before. Yori fay yourcan !Wm' 5 a7. make God, you can make a pudding as foon,&c. And that of Hen- ry Lawrence, who being to fubfcribe the Bill of his examination, tbid.i 523. wrote, Ye are all Antichrift, and him ye follow, Vic. And that of Anthony Tarpns ; thou calleft us theeves, Paid the Bifhop of Sa- lifbury. I fay, quoth Anthony, yeare not only theeves, but mur- 3bid,I i ü. therers, ye are rather bitelheeps then trueBiíhops, &c. Verfe 31. We know that Godheareth not(inners 3 Theirincenfe fmels of the hand that offers its The lepers lips ihouldbe covered according to the Law : the wicked comp& God With lies, when 1191.1 !.22. they cry, Al) father, my father, &c. This is one ofchofe naturall notions that the devil could neverblot out of mans mlinde, that Hanc Achillet God heareth not (inners, he will never accept ofa good motion Homeric*, from a bad mouth,. as that Rate in Rory would not. Hefilenced the os xe, ©zá s devil acknowledging him; and ofwitches good prayersone faith, .s 9n7au ìuTá Tlitxvon Si magica, D eue nonvide Wiles : fspit, xonper tales. Verfe 34. Thouwaft. altogether born inJinxes ] Becaufe borne blinde