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Chap.9. according to Se J o blinds,: fo they upbraid him with his mifery, as if thereforea no- torious offender. This is harfhand rath judgement. Anddoeft thou teachus ? ] Oh,take heed ofthat. But a mortifi- ed man will yeeld to learn ofany body : a little childe ,hall lead him, 'fa.; 1.6. Learned Apollo: was better inftru+rted by a couple A ìs :8.24 of poor tent-makers. Verfe 3y. And Whenhe had foandhim] So,when the Pope had excommunicated Luther,and the Emperour protcribed hirn,Chrift Jefus was with him, andcarried on thework. Longé majora par- twit mihijamcalamue, faith he: Nefciounde veniunt ilia medi- tationes. And in his bookof the Babylonifh captivity,he profrffeth, Luth Epig. fequotidie, velit, nolir, dot iorem fieri. Verfe 39. For jud;eurent Iamcome] To judge, muchother- wife then thofe unjuft judges have done, that have caft out this poor fervant of mine, for a blafphemer. B. Bonner havinga blinde harper before him,faid,that fuch blinde abjefts,that followa fort of heretical) preachers, when they come to the feeling of the fire, will be the firft that will fee from it. To whom the blinde manPaid, and ffen. that if every ¡Dyne of himwereburnt, yet he trufted'in the Lordnot fai.,ss t. to flee. A blinde boy, that had fuffered imprilonment at Glace- Fier not long before,was brought to Bifhop Hooper, the day before his death. M' Hooper, after he had examined himof his faith, and the caufèof his imprisonment, beheld him ftedfaftly, andthe water appearing in his eyes, laid untohim : Ah poor boy, (od h rth taken from thee thy outward fight, for what confìderatíonhebeft know- eth, but hach given thee another fight much more precious: for he hack endued thy foul with the eye ofknowledge, and faith, &c .1 t isa worthy fpeech of Mr Bezaupon this Text, I'rodeantomnes I'hare:Rorunt no/lri temporis Aj+demi t. Let all our Univerfity- Pharrfees come forth together : That blinde and herr.ticall Church ( as they call it) hach, by the bleffing of God, childrenof(even Habeat eccteh'a ears-old that can, before all the world confute andconfound their t cæca e Y , > > bzraticapren. erroneous doctrines : witnefle the children of _ ielerindall and Cha- net p.eros, qui briers, ?ohn Fettyes childe of eight years old, that told Bonner: Celle umverfo Chaplain ( who laid Ferry was an heretick) My father isno here- 'Hondo, &c. tick ; but you are an heretick, for you have Salaams marke. d Mon. This childe they whipc to death, &c. Alice Driver Martyr, non- lot, r an an pluft all the Do tours that examinedher : and thenfind, God be honoured ; you be not able to refift the fpirit ofGod in mea poor woman. 1 was never brought up in the Univerfacy asye have Ibid., g57, been :