52 ACommentary upon theGolJiel Chap. i o, been: but I have driven the plow many a time before my father, and yet will f t my foot againft the foot ofany of you Verfe 41. But nowyefay, We fee.] if, after convitiion,men run Bafìt in ep, ad away with thebit in their mouthes>the fin is the greater: But their E 14.4. cafe isdeplorable, qui quod verum fit net,, fciunt, net? fuflinent difcere, as Bafil complains attire Wefterne Church in h.s tans, ,gquin. ad Heb. t y. TIot/. v quafi itpHV, oföts a fheep : and t.Cárv to deGre carncft)y. Heh.5. sg. CHAP. X. Verfe z. Verily, verily Ifyuntoyou.] Alen A is in holy Scripture either prefixed to a difcDurfe, and then it is a particle ofcertain and earneft affeveration, when it is doubled efpecially, as here: Or elfe affixed ; and then it is ei- ther of anent, or atThrance, or both, as in the end .of the Lords prayer. Verfe 2. But he that entreth in by the door.] That is,called by Chrift to the office of his under.; a pherd. In phlftcis aer nonfa- cit pippin ignem, fedfit a f perfori, faith Aquinas. Is the fhepherd of theJheep. j To the which is required, that he he both learned and loving. This note arifethout darenotion of the word here ufed. Verfe 3. To him theporter openeth ] That is, God: approveth filch, andufually leal :s to their miniftery. Ier.2 3.22. giving them a tell.ìmoniall,2 Cor 3.2. Verfe 4. Hegoeth before theme] According to the enftorne of (hepherds in that country,not to drive their fhecp,but tolead them as `David ;hews in his divine Bucolicon, Pfal.23.2, Verfe 5. A .ilrangerWill they Not follow] For they havefenfes exercif:d todifcern good and evil; yea they have a fpitit of dif- cerning, i Cor. 12. 10. the minds of C'hrifl, i Cor. 2. i6. and thoughPimple to evil, yet are w ifs in that which is good._ Ihay 'are íheep,but rationall : their fcrvice, a reafunablefrvice, Rom. t 2.1. their obedience the obedience offaith,Rom, i 6.26.they try before they trufl, they look before they leap, and fo grow to fach a cer- tainty in that truth they hold, fuch a plerophcry of knowledge, Ccl4.2.3, that it is impoffible for them to be fullyor finally de- ceived,.Matt.24.24.Falfe and heterodox doátrines they hate,73fa4 119.104 and all Poch impoftours as feel to buzze doubts into their heads,Rom.16.1 7. Verfe