Trapp - BS2562 T73 1647 according to S` Jo x x. 53 Verfe6. Rut they underfiaod not ] So thick-braind and unca- pable we are, till that vail berent, Ifei.z5.7. 'Thofe that have a ble- LuJVof, fi mifh in their eye,the more wifhly they look into anything, the leite quando ocuta. they fee ofit, as Vives hath it. So it is here. ru-n actem in. Verfe 8. esill that evercame before me, &c.] Manes ( that mad ridntri Viv s heretick) made an argument from this text againft Mofes and to Aug. de civ. the Prophets, as going before Chrift. But Auflin anfwereth : Dei. l.8a uá. Mofes and the Prophets came not beforeChrift, but with Chrift. Intruders, whether before or fence our Saviours daies, are theta theeves and robbers. Ah whorefon-cheeves, robGod of his glory 1 laid D. Tajior Martyr, in a dream, of the Scribesand Pharilees of his time Verfe 9. And hall go in and out, &c.] That is, (hall live fe- curely, and be fed daily and daintily, as David(hews, Pfal.z3. where he tweedy ftrikesupon the whole tiring thorow the whole hymne. Verfe to. The thiefcometh not but fir to f eal] How filly foever herecicks Peek to intimate, with their Pithanology and feign- edhumility, whereby they circumvent and beguile the fimple, it is deadly dealing wich them. Shun their focietyas a ferpent in your way, as poifon in your meat. Spondznau (the fame that Epitomi- pern¡ciojqp. zedBaronius) gives his Reader %opifh poifon to drink fo (lily, Vaum Hrtde. faith one, as if he were doing fomewhac elfe, and meant no fuch trandinx do. matter. And learned Billiur obferves the likeof Socrates the Ec- thinevenenwn clefiafticall Hitlorian,' a cunning Novation. Swenkfeldius, who te benduodu'n cs obi. , quaff held many dangerous herefies, did yet deceive many by his preffing a'iu,a?ens men to an holy life, praying frequently and fervently, &c. by his propinat. ftately expreflions, ever in his mouth, as ofIllumination, Revela- Deg. Wheat., tion, Deification, the inward and fpirituall man, &c. Somearefo Bid. Obferv. cunning in their cogging thedie, as St Paul phrateth it, Epbef.4. 3 cultet. Anneal, in the conveyance of their collation, that like ferpents, they can 279. king without huffing; likecurredogs, fuckyour blood onlywith b iñ xugga. licking; and in the end kill youand cut your throats withoutbi- EphCla .. Ling. Muzzle them therefore faith SC Paul, and give them noau- éresótres. dience. `Placilla the Empreffe, when Theodofius Senior defired co conferrewithEunomius the heretick diffwaded her husband very Y Sozo:nen,lib.y. earneflly; left, being pervertedby his fpeeches, he might fall into herefie. A,sailafaus the tecond, BifhopofRome, in the year 497,' Jac. vi- whiles he fought to reduce Acacius the heretick, was feducedby lid pontif him. A little leaven loon fowreth the whole lump. One fpoon- E3 full