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54 A Commentary upon the Go#el Chap.' o . full of vincgçr wil quickly tart a great deal of fweet milk : but a great deal of milk, will not fo foon fweeten one fpoonfull ofvine- ger. Erreur (faith aNoble writer) is l,ke the 7erufalem-Artichoak plant it where you will, it over-runs the ground and choaks the heart. Vetfe t t. I am the hood fbepberd] So he is by anexcellency for he left his glory, ro feekout to himtelf a flock in the wildernefle: He feeds thetíi among the flies, Cant. z, r 6. gives them golden flee- ces, and Phepherds, to keep them, afrer his ownheart; watcheth GGen.35 ?n; over them night and day in his Migdil-Eder, er tower of the 'flock : feeds thew up, when loll, bears them in his bofome, and gently leads thole that are with young, Ifa.4o. t I. pulls themout of the power of the Lion and the Bear : punifheth f uch as either pulp with the horn, or foul with the feet, E4,rl¿iel34.19. Wa- fheth them in his own blood, and fo maketh thew Kings and Melts toGod, RF v. 1.5 &c. fo that they need not fear the fpirituall Aliy- rian, Micah 5.5. Vcrfe 12, The *olfe fcattereth ] To Non- refidents and other unconicionable Minifters, (Thrift will lay as once Eliab did to David; With i,hom haFI thou left thole poor few f eep in the itilderneffe t Vare, redde legiones, Paid Auguflau, flighing. The like will this good fhepherd fay,iudging : -Pan curet oves, oviumcj snag flros, lay many of our Piuralilts, and idol-fhepherds. A- bouc Hildebrandt time, fo great was the negligence and wicked- mileof theClergy, that fume fet forth letters, as dated from the devils of hell to them ; wherein they give them many thanks for math Paris, the fouls they hid lent to hell, in fuch aboundanee as never was no. Anna. Don7,167 L. known before. Verfe 13. The hireling fleeth] Yet is not every one that fleeth to be judged an hireling prefently. There is a lawfull flight, as when the quarrell is perütnall, Vic. Chrifl fled oft, when perfecu- ted : fo may we. God hath madeus not as butts to beperpetually fhót at : but as the marks of rovers, moveable,. as the winde and ?le!sb, Ad.rr. Sun may bell ferve. Fuge, fide, So in vit. Brenti'. friendly did a Senatour of Halaadvife Brentiva. He embraced the advice, and faved his life by it. Voile 14. And know my .¡beep] With a knowledge of appeo- bation and delight. Verba notitia apud Hebreos fecum trahunt afeílum-. Plal. r.6. eE fop Fab, Verse 15. flay down my lift ] Yet as man he was .wov _-