Trapp - BS2562 T73 1647 according to Sr Jo x N. 1. Quia vitam non volt ? faith ilugus`lin : And, pis enim welt mori ? prorfus nemo, faith another. And, Skin after stein, or skïn Job 2..4. uponshin, and all that a man hathwill hegive for his life, laid that old deceiver, truly. Yet our Saviour held not his life dear for his fheeps fafety. Becaufe he law welhould fall fore ( laid that Angel lohnBradfrd) therefore he would fumer fore : Yea, if his once fuffering had nor beenenough,he wòuld yet once more come again. God _the father, I am lure, faithhe, if thedeath ofhis Son incarnate Brat: Sera. would not ferva, would himfdf and the holy íheft alto become of krpcnc. 63 incarnate, and die for us. Verfe16. And other Jbeep I have] viz. The ele&Gentiles, .whole convetfion to Chrift was, among other types, not obfcurely fore-fhadowed, Lévit. í9.23,a4,25. as fome Divines think. The firft three -years in Canaan, the Ifraelite.r wereto caft away the frùits ofthe trees, as uncircumcifed : So cur Saviour planted the Gofpel in that land for thefirft threeyears ofhis publike miniftery : But the uncircumcifions areGait away ; that is, to the uncircumci- fed Gentiles, the doctrine of Chrift is not declared by generali and publike preaching. The fruit of the fourth year was confecrated toGod : That isy Chrilt in the fourth year from his baptifrne, laid downhis life for his fheep, rote again, afcended, and font his holy Spirit : whereby his Apoftles and others were éonfecrated as the fit t-fruites ofthe promifed lard. But in the fifthyear, the fruit of theGofpe! planted by Chrift began CO be common, when the fame doctrine was not íhuc up in the !trait bounds of 7«dæ,a, or walls of the Temple,buc was made known (and (hall be moreand more) to no ,r:, , c. z6. all Nations, for the obedienceoffaith. . There (hall be one föld] Of Jed5 and Gentiles. The full and fi- nail reftauration Of the JewswillTall out in th +: year i 65o. as tonne have calculated out of D4. t a. i t. I wait and will: it. Verfe 17. Therefore loth my Father love me, becaufe] This becaufe, is no confecutionio± noncaufa, faith Bez,a.. I lay down my lit ] i do it even now for he f.uffcred many a little death all his life long, and a: length the curled death of the Groff. That Imight ttakf itacrain ] For Chrifts being life eftntiall, fwallowed up death in victory, as the fire, fwalrows up the fu: ll, as Mofes his ferpent (wallowed up the forcerers ferpents, c, Verfe i 8. I lay it down of myfelfe ] A neceility therewmsof ourSavioursdeath, but it wasa necefficy of i:npmutabiliy ( becaufe E4 God