56- ACommentary upon theGofled Chap.' o, God had decreed it, AE at 2. a 3.) notof coaftion ; He died willing- ly. Therefore, when he gave up the ghoft, he cried with a loud voice ; which (hews that his life was not then fpent ; he might have retained it longer if hewould : and thereupon the Centurion concludes him to be the Son ofGod. Verfè 19. There War et divifion therefore, &c.] This our Savi- our fore-faw, andyet forbears not. Gods truth mutt be fpoken, however it be taken. Men,be they pleated or difpiea(ed, God mutt beobeyed, and his whole will declared. Ifmen refute to receive it, we mutt turn them over to God witha Non convertentur, and then let him alone with them. Verse zo. He hath a devil, and is mad] It was wonder if the heaven did not fweat,the earth melt, and hell gape at the hearingof thefe horrid blafpemies. Tigers rage at the fragrancy of fweet fpices : fo did thefe monfters at our Saviours tweet Sermons. Verte 23. Thefe are not the Words, &c.] Wifedom is everju_ fifled of her children. They fitly argue from his oracles and mira- cles bothwhich this Evangeli& doth more largely relate ; purpofe- ly toprove our Saviours Divinity, and is thereforeC fled ?ohn the ,Divine. Vale z. The feRfi of the dedication] viz. Of the Temple Eyra.y "t' newly purged from pollutions of Antiochne, that little Anti- inwatia, five p g t p Renovalia, chrift, So when the Chriftian rumple, the Church, was purged from the popifh abominations ( called the tramplings ofthe Gen- tiles, Rev. a z.2.) by thofe two witneffcs, that is, by Lutherand o- ther Heroical' Reformers, there was great joy among Gods peo- . Jacob, Penr:es, ple. And in the year 16r7. as the Pope proclaimed a Jubilee for de vit. Pout!. the peaceof' Italy and AuftriaVitc. fo the Reformed Churches in pag-306. Germany did the fame, for Gods mercy in.reftoring to them the Golpel, a ju(t hundred years before : for in the year 1517. Luther began to decry the Popes indulgences. In like fort, at fame time, Bucboa Cbron. when the Greeks were bufie in their Olympickgames, the Prophet POE, 541. Ifaiab faw that glorious vifionof God in his Majeay, ].6.i,2. (as the Divine Chronologer obferves it,) finging, with Seraphims,that fweeteh Trifagion, Holy, holy, holy, Lord Godofhefts. The new 7erufalem, which fignifies the [tare of theChurch in this world ( faith a Reverend Divine ) when it {hall be refined to the utmoft, Sibhcs on is all of fine gold and precious 'tones, &c. to Phew the excellency C?ßs 5' P33°' of Reformation : which golden times are yet to come, and will prove very fèftivall. Verfe