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Chap. i o. accorslin3 to St JoH N. Verfe 23. e4nd ?Ors Walked in the Temple ] Taking the op- portunity ofthat publike meeting to do good ; as che Bee is abroad fo loon as the Sun arifeth. The Greeks weregreat walkers, as the Stoicks in their porch, &c. But the Turkes wonder tofee a man Biddutph, walke too and fro : and ulually askehim, whether hebe outof his 1.3,c S, way, or out of his wits ? Pliny laid to his Nephew; when he faw him walkeout fome houres without ftudyìng, Proteras has horas nonperdere. In Solomon; perch] So the 7ews called that porch ( forhonours 'Paulin amb ti- fake) which they built again after the captivity; and which, toge- one duftuo,pär, ther with the whole Temple, was beautified by Herod thegreat, to tin' lude6'um curry favour with the people ; which yet would not be, for they bapea ás n hated him extreamly. Beta. Armor, in Verle 24. How long doefi thou make us todoubt ? ] They lay :,so., the blame upon him, 3s if ( Fieraclitus -like ) he were a dark Do- dour : when thernfelves were blinde and did (but the windows, left the light fhould come in unto them. GodsMinifters cnuft look for the like mealure. Howbeit God darkens their doctrinefome-. times (as he dealt by Exek_iel ) for the fins of the people. Verle 26. Te beleeve not, becaule yeare not, &c.] li°probates cannot beleevv, yea, they cannot but relift the external' offers of Gods grace. The Word, Sacraments, and all Gods common ttm- porall favours are, inrefpeft of external' participation, communi- cated to them by way of concom rancy only, becaufe tt.ey are in- termixed with the ele& Verfe 27. My fneep hear my voice] Buxtorf in his Tiberias Co.iflat, ex 42, noteth, that the feventh verfeoftheone and twentiethofJeremy, voccbtte _Atrßru.,_, confìfteth of twoand foully words, and ofan hundred andfìxty IS tk., letters. I am not at leafure to count the words and . lettersof thus and the following verfes: But it isea(ì obferve in them thofe five links of that golden chain ofGodsgrace inour falvaaioti, My.lht'ep, there's Electtion ; hear my voice, there's Vocation ; And l &yew them,therc's juftification; And they fllora me,there's Sanettificati on : and Igiveunto themeternalllife, there's Glorification. Poor ever Verfe 28. They fhall never perifh ]. This is the good thepherds fßondet feat'a. promife : Is henow as good as his word, ifhe fuifer his (beep to tutè eivatu. wander and perifh, whomby promife he was tyed fo to keep, as riñeTßv fide j that they fhouldnot wander, as they are naturallyapt to do,to their & rdem du:ftrucction ? aux de Perfèv. Verle 2g. No man it able topluck tJ ern:x .3 Impoftures.: Peek to aoao. thruff