ACommentary upon theGold Chap.' o thrufi ut fromGod, Deut. r 3 5. and to drag diféipies after them, with fuch violence as if' they would pluck them lin-meal ( as the word fignifies, AE . zo.30,) fo to deceive, if it were poflîble, the very eleft, Mat.24, 24. A thing is faid tobe poflïble, vel ref ellu Dci, vel refjieau Rei. True grace, in it Pelf confidered, is eafily feparable from him that hath it, who, left tohimfelf alto, would Loon loofe ft. But with reCpe& to God, by whofe power the Saints are kept (as in a ffrong guard or garifon ) through faith unto falva- tion, it is,impofíible that any ofhis fhould finally mifcarry. Verte 3o. Iandmy father are one] Both for nature or effence, andfor onecontent, both in willing and working. Out ofthehar- bour of Goodn'ines lands the Pilot cannot make forth, they fay, without finking iu thofe Lands, unleffe he fo fleet his lhip, that he bring two fteeples, which ftand off, fo even in his fight, that they may !teem tobebut one. So is it here. Verfe 31. Then the Sews tool,, up tones] This is the worlds wages to faithfull Minitfers. Many conceit difchargeof their duty without perfecuti.on: they would pull a rote without pricks. Non dccet, ut fub capite .hints coronato, vivant membra in delicjs. Verle 3a. Frommy Father] i.e. Ejua authoritatefeu Bez. All our works mutt be done in God, and for God : then they are of the right ftamp, and carry heaven in them, Heb.6.9. Betides that, they are unanswerable fyllogifines, invincible demonfrrations, to confute and convert even Pagans, faith ChryíiJ ome. Verfe 33. But fir bl.affhemy ] Thefe were holy perfecu tours, in pretence at leaft. SoMaximinia í thought the blood ofChrifri- ans would be an acceptable facrifice to his gods. So Franck the fecondofFrance,and Philip the fecundofSpain,held the Lame opi- nionofthe Lutherans in their dominions. Zeal without knowledge is like mettle in a blinde horte. Verle 34. In your law] So he calls it, to {hew that there was no necefíìty onhis part to prove what hedelivered by anyScripture, fish he was to be beleeved on his bare word; but for their fakes only he did it. Verfe35. OntoWhom the Word of Godcame] That have their authority fromGod, whofe fubilitutes and vicegerents Princes are, and ofwhom they have their Patent. With what face then can the Schoolmen defend Thomas in that Paradox, Dorstinium&Pralatio introduccia , nt exprehumano ? Verte Za.nch, C briflianu;n fa guiner,a Dìjr vittimam effe graviffi- maw. Teztul. * 'Av7ó715-0s.