Chap. To. according to St Jo x x. 59 Verfe 36. Hathfdnihfied andPent ] Sanfiified,that is,Anoict- ed, and that inboth his natures, as whole Chrifi. For his anoint- ing imported ; 1. His confecration or ordination to theoffice of aMediatour; and fo the God- head. alfo was anointed. 2. Quali- ficationor effufion of fullnefleof graces : as the holy oyl wascorn- pounded ofdivers fpices, fo the man-hood, and that without mea- iure, as faras a finite naturewas capableof. Verfe 37. If I do not the Work; of myfather, beleeve me not ] Tills said Chrifi, but In faith not Chrifls Vicar, as the Pope will needIcily becalled. His Placits muff be obeyed,not examined : and though by hisevil example he draw thoufands to hell, none mutt mute,or fay fo much, as what doeß thou ? Verfe 38. But if1 do, though ye, &c ] q.d. Stumblenot at the meanndle of my perfon, condition, followers, &c. When it was fometime difputed among the Romane; in the Councell, u(ìng to deifie,great men, whether Chrifi, having done many wonderfull works, fhould he received into the number of the Gods? it was at length concluded ( faith the Hifiorian ) gnodnondeberetrecipi in- ter D eos, pro eo goodnon haberet culture,, propter hocgoodpan- pertnternpradicaret & eligeret, quam mundus contemnit. Verfe 39. Therefare thy (öught again to tub him] They could riot anfwer his arguments ; they turn them therefore to acourte of violence, wherein they doubted not but td be too hard for him. Thus they dealt with Ridley and Latimer at Ox/ rd: thus with other Martyrs, who yet overcame themby the blood of the Lamb, yea, were more then conquerours, Rom,8, A fagot will make you recant, faith the Bithop toMr Hawke; Martyr. No, no, faid he ; Aq andMon. apoint for your fagot;. you (hall do nomore, and your Mailer to help you, then God permits you. In theyear 1166. the Synodat Alíted.chronot. fit Oxfrdburned in the foreheads,and afterwards banishedout ofthe P''57 realm thirty Dutch deelours, that taught here the right ufe of wed- lock, and the Sacraments. Verfe4o. And Went again beyond 7ordan ] The further from yerufalem the fafer. ?erufalem was then, as Rome is now, the Saints (laughter houfe. Roma radix omniummalorum. Into the place Where Iohn fir1l baptized] As well for his own Comfort ( for there he had heardat fir(} from Heaven, This is my beloved Sonne, &c.) as for the peoples converfion andconfirma- tion, who there called to miede Johns tefiimanyof Jefus, and be leeved. Verf.