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Chap.ii. accorling to St Jo it N. pick and dead, to lean inftrument of glory, to be given to God. St Paul flood atiptoes ( as it were) to fee which way Chrift might 'Aoroxaydb- be moil magnified in his body,, whetherby lifeor by death. Nx Verfe 5. ?eras loved Martha] The Saints are all round about t-nit tiro, his throre, Rev.4 4. becaufe he is alike near to them, for folace and tuition. Howbeit, as mao,.living amongft men, he was affected to Tome more then tome, as to these three, and the beloved Difciple. 7.1, , xxi There were his fedtdiahs, his Cngularly affefted, and this was an Nr,rSnn s high prerogative. Plato commendeth hiscountrey ofAthens for örov H antiquity of the people, &c. but chiefly for this, that they were be- isla 6 optiiis, loved of the Gods. Pitt.. Verfe6. He abode two daie.r ] Waiting to be gracious, but as a God of judgement, he knows belt when todeal forthhis favours, Jf.30. t 8, To prefcribe tohim, is. to pet the Sun bycur diall. This Cefì4r rearmsfattcintf fs in.his fouldiers. Verte 7. Then after that, faith he, &c.] When helpis feafon- able, his fingers itch, .as.the mothers brealt axes, IA hen uis.time the childe had tuck. Verfe8 4'ndgoft thnti,,thither again? J Yea; with the hazard otitis life, to the help of his friend. The Ancients painted friend- Chip,afairytinnnginan, bare -headed, in a poorgarment, at thebot- tomwhereof was.written,Death andLff,in the upper part Sinn- W Ikins corn, mer and winter his bofotne was open, to that his heart might be in Muret. oral. teen, whereupon was written, Longè, Pro/4, afriend at hand, and t, de laud tire afatreoff. Verfe 9,- oAre there not twelve hours ? ] q.d. Is there not an J ,b appointed time to man upon earth ? Shall I not live out my dint ? TheTurljes. awn not the company of thole that have the plague finare voyage but pointing upon their foreheads, fay, I t was written thereat into Lev birth when they fhould die. A Prieft indeed might enter 80. without danger, into a leprous.houfe, becaufe be had a callingfrom God to todo; A Irian may follow God dry fhod : thorow the red, tea. This our Saviour calls here [ toWalk in the day jay ai excel- lent and elegant &nilitude. But he that keeps not withinGods preci-nds, may not look for his proteéìion. I commend thechari- ty, but I queftion the difcretion of h.r Stafford, publik_Profeflour of Divinity in Cambridge, who hearing that a;ertaio Prieftcal- led, Sr Henry Conjrarer.( in K. Henry the eights eases:) say lore tickof the plague, was fo moved with pity to the pcór Prie is Coul, that he came to him, exhoxted and fo laboured him, that he would not