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Commentary upon che Golpes Chap. i t. not leavehim, before he had converted him,and faw his conjuring- /fa. ani M911, books burnt before his face. Which beingdone, Mr Stafford went Jo1.9z +. home, and immediately fickened and fhortly after moftChriffianly deceafed. He might have, I conferle, an extraordinary call to this work. ButZanchisu fomewhere maketh mentionofacolleaguece his in the Miniftery,that by the like means took his death,and much bewailed upon his death-bed, that he had not yeelded to Zancbiuu advding him to thecontrary. Verle to. But ifany man Walk in the night] As good of r4 did,in that rath expedition againff Pharaeh. Necho : either hoping to ingratiate with the Afyrian, or fearing to have an over-heavy neighbour of the Egyptian ; he went up tobattei, not lb much as asking leave of the Lord a though he had 7eremy at hand, and Ze- phany,and a whole Colledge of Seers befrdes.The bell are fometime mitcarried by their paffions, to their colt. Rev I4.r ; Verle I i. Lax.arsufleepeth ] The Saints are laid todie in Chriff, I Then.,, , 4. toPeep in Jefus. The Grcek5 call their Church yards dormitories, xooverrieta. fleeping. places. The Germans call them Godfacre, becautr their bedies are Town there,tobe railed again.Thc Hebrews Beth-chajim, the houle of the living. Verle 12. If hefieep hefhall do Well] Sleep (faithont-Xis thenurfe ofnature,the tweet parenthefis ofall thy grids and cares. Verle 13. 7efou jpake of his death] Which profane Writers alto do call apeep, but onlybecause the fundions of the faculties yr folnara mor are extinct by death : therefore they call it an iron fl ep, an eternal' Pi, fie lobes i- fleep, &c. Chriffians call death a flrep, became it is to them a fweet rfa o fepulcbri. p. iCa.a6 ,y, rat in their beds, warmed and perfumed for them by Chrihs body, laid in the grave; with whom alto they look to rife to life eternall. Thy dead men fhall live, With my dead body Anil they ¡rife. Verle 14. Then fail ,7efsss unto them plainly] Becaufe they underflood him not. Minifters muff be gentle to all men, apt to teach, patient, inmeeknefr'e ins`truî?ing the ignorant, yea, the info - lent, 2Tim.2.24,25. Auftin confeifrthhe was glad toufelome Breenv enqui. words, fometimrs, to his hearers that were nor Latine ; to the end rice. pag.t9. that they might underhandhim. Verfe a 5. lam gladfir your fakes] If the confirmation and increafe of faith in his, be fo great a joy to Chilli, how acceptable muff ioneeds be untohim, that we beleeve at firh in his name ? we cannot dohim a greater honour, a more pleating fervice. None greater