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64 Thef.4. M. Sa. Ward, Rupert. Abat. Tuibieufis. Gen.z4.;3. Ex eorum mo. re qui luefuafui irritamenta querunt. Cal. ACommentary upon the Geipet C ìap.ry. bot laid up with Ch rift, who will bring them backwith him at his coming. As the fame divine hand that buried Mofes, that lockt this treafureand kept the key of it, brought it forth afterwardsglo- rious in the transfiguration. The body that was hid in the valley of Moab, appeared again in thehill of Tabor. Verfe 24. in the Rerrre¿bion ]The Syriack hath it Benuchama, in the Con(ölation. So the Refurrec`tion was ever, to the difcon- folate beleevers of both Teflaments, Dan.12,2. Heb.11.35. jn the Primitive Church, when they repeated that Article of the Creed, Ibeleeve the re'rre lion of the flcjb, they would point to their bodies, and fay, etiam hulls carnis, even of this very Refit. Verle 25. He that beleeveth in me, though, &c. ] O the won- derfull force offaith ? Queftionlefe ( faith a Reverend man ) jufti- tying faith is not beneathmiraculous, in the fphere of its own adi- vity, andwhere is hath warrant of Gods word, &c. Verle 26. Beleeveft thou this ? ] He faith not, Underflandeft thou this ? For the myfteries of Chrittian religion, faith Rupertau, are much better undeiftood by beleeving, then beleeved by under- ftanding. Verle 27. 1 beleeve that thou art the Chrift ] What could Peter fay more ? Meth.' 6.16. Damaris may be as dear to God as Dionyfuc, a woman (of no note otherwife ) as an /Ireopagite, Airs 17. ult. Verte 28. Called c5waryher filer fecretly] By Chrills com- mand : and fecretly, belike, the did it, left any fhould tell the Pharifees, and Chrift thereby bebrought intodanger. BeWife as ferpents. Verte 29. Shearofe quickly] Love is winged, and a ready heart makes riddanceofGods worke. His peeple are free-hearted, Prat. ii0.3. Where the carcafe is,there will thefe Eagles be: they fcour to his pretence as the Doves to the columbary, they flee as the clouds, &c. Ifa.60.8. Verfe 30. wag not yet come into the town] Toeat and refrefh himfelf after his long journey, he woulddo his work firft, as Abra- hams fervant. Verfe 31. She goeth unto the grave] That, Niobe-like, the might weep her felt into a tomb-ftone.Such a heatheniíhcuftome it feems they had amongft them, and many other fu nerall rites, for- bidden by the Law. But what fhould dropty-men do eating fait- meats ? Verfe