Cliïp. Verfe 3.?. Shefell doti'nat hisfeet] Givinghint divine honour, before all the Jewes that were prefent. Só didnot Martha,that we read of. Mary had beenmore diligent inhearing and meditation of the word : hence her greater love andrefpeí;t toChrift. Verfe 3 3. whenyefris fareher weeping "J Teares are mof ef_ feduall oratours toChrift : when he was going to the croffe,he could find time to lookback, and comfort the wetTing women. And Vbas troubled] So as for the prefent hecould not utter him- kif. Yet thefe pafíions in Chrift were, as clear water in a chrifall globe, without fin. Verfe 15. ?efus rnept ] Hewept with thofe that weep. And the fame terderneffe heretains Rill toward his ai it:led. As Aaron, though he might not lament his two formes Plain byGods hand in the fan&nary , yet he had fill the bowelsof a father within him : So hathChrift now,in the heavenly far& teary : he hath loft nothing by heaven. Verfe 36. Behold hull, he loved him] What ? for fhedding fome few tears for him ? Ohhow thendid he loveus for whom he flied the deateft and warmeft blond in allhis heart ? Ama amorem 3llitid,c, faith Bernard. . Verfe 37, r,4ndfomeofthem laid] Thus ourSaviour is diverÇl interpreted :andcenfiired : and fo it is fillwithhis Minifters. When we fee our Auditours before us,little do we know with what hearts they are there, nor what ufe they will make oftheirpretended de- votion. Doeg may let his foot as farwithin the Tabernacle as ta- vid.Iffome come to ferveGod,others come toobferve their teach- ers, and pick quarrels : yea, ifconfcience might be judge, many a hearerwould be found to have an Herods heart toward his Mi- nifter. Verfe 38. groaning irehimfelf] To confider,belike,the wofull Nib; opera efeEtsof(in, that brought death into the world evenor the belt. credite, quìd and makes them a ghaftly and lothfome fpe6tacle : fo that A rer- apertis fepul- chrts in,capzta- ham delires to buryhis beloved Sarah out of his fight. ßeleive Me, bus inze:cjier who:have made triall ofit, faith Augu/tine, Open a grave, and bufonesfaltan. in the headof the dead man ye (hallfind toads leaping that are tes generates begotten ofhis brain, ferpents crawling on his loins, that arebred exctrebro,erc, out ofhis kidne es wormes creeping in his belly, that grow out ;`tm.çs. ad Y ' p g y g Praiser in ere- of lets bowels : Ecce quid/imua , quidjam erimut : Ecce in ma. gteolrefolvitnur : Etc peccati or=iginem fdditatem ! faith that Father. F Verfe