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66 A Commentary upon the Gofpel Chap, I z . Verfe 39. By this timehe ftinketh] I ; the better for that; Chrifls powerwill be the moremanifefted. As SC e.4ufiin faid of one that hit him in the teeth with thefins of hisyouth ; The more defperate was thedifeafe , the greater honour redounded to the Phyfician that cured me. Beta's anfwer to one that did the like to him,was,Hichomo invidet mihi gratiamChrifti. Verfe 40. SaidInot unto thee,&c.] A foul fault inher to be fo incredulous ; and enough, without the greatermercy of ChrifI,to have marr'd all. For unbeliefis fo vile and venemous an evill, as that it transfufeth a kindofdeadpalfey into the hands of omnipo-. tency, Mark.6.5. Chrift that cando all thingsbyhis abfolutepow- er, can do little or nothing , by his atluall power, for unbeleivers.: He cannot, becaufe he will riot. Verfe 41. Father, I tbankthee that, &c. 3 Beginning topray, he brings his thanks in hishand, as fure to fpeed. So mull we,Phil. 4.6. And therefore in the Law, whatever requefl they had to God, they mull be Pure to comewith their peace-offerings, in token of Pi161.r. thankfulnes: that they might fing with the Pfalm.ift,Praifewaited) for thee, OGod, in Sion. It is faid ofTiberitms the Emperour , that <Vcir. he never denied his favourite Sejansts any thing, and oftentimes prevented his requeft,fa that he needed only toaskand give thanks. All Godspeople are his favourites, and may have any thing that heart can with, orneed require. Verfe 43. Lazarus, comeforth] Ifthis voiceof Chrift had been diretied to all the dead, theyhadprefently rifen ; as fore as they (hall rife, when the Lord himfelf (hall defcendwitha fhout , with thevoice ofanArchangel, crying, Surgite mortui, venire in ju- dicium. 'Pliny reports ofthe Lionefle , that the bringsforth her whelps dead, and fo they remain for the fpace ofthree dayes; un- till theLion coming near to the place where they lie , lifts up his voice and roars fo fiercely,that prefently they are raifed fromdeath to life. The Prophet yeremy tels us the likeofthis Lionofthe Tribe of7udah, yer.25.3o,3 i. See theplace. Verfe 44. Andhe that was dead] But where was his foul there- while ? Inmanu `Dei : not in Purgatory, as Papifts fay , for that's againft their own principles : They fend none to Purgatory , but glen of a middle-make, betwixt lull andunjuft. NowLazarus was, furely, a very good man.: elfe had he not been fo dear to Chrift. But that Purgatory is thePopes invention, as. Tindall 'bath 'dug,,dear¡a, it hear St e4ugultine, Nemofe decipiat,fratrea : duo enim loci font,: