{;hap.i r: accor irg to St. J o H N. faint, & tertirisnon et vifits. ui clamChri,fro regnare nonmerait, tcum diabolo, abfq; drbitatione peribit. Verfe 45. Beleeved on him], And foGod had his honour, and Chrift his end in this, according toverf.4. Verfe 46. But forceofthem,&c.] Loe,reprobates will notbelieve, though one rofe from the dead to them. Verfe47. Thengathered the chief`Priers ] Like unto this was the Councel ofTrent, gathered on purpofe to fhppreffe Chrift in histrue worfhippers; and carried byAntichrift with filch infinite guile andcraft, without any fincerity, upright dealing and truth, as that themfelves will even 'mile in the triumphs of their own wits, ( when they hear it but mentioned) as at a mailer.. ftratagem. Verfe 48. The Romans 'hall come, &c.] And fo they did : the thing that they feared came upon them, for their inexpiable guilt in killing the Lord Jefus. Dera:ades, when the Emperour fent to his countrymen of Athens togive him divine honour,and theywere loth toyeeldunto ir, but confuted about it : Take heed, fayes he, you be not fo bulk about heavenly matters, as to lofe your earthly poflelTions. Thefe refractory ?eWs loft both. Verfe 49. Te knoW noshing at all]. Why no you know all {Caiphas) all the Affeffours are but Affes to you. Flee eftfuperbire, quaff taper dios ire. This fellow would have made a fine Duke of Hey!. Geoti Raffia, by whom it is cautionated that there be no fchooles, left pag343 there fhould be any fcholars but himlelf. So theGno/%icks bragged Peitts. efE that' they were the only knowing men. And the Jefitites at this imperiom lire- day tell us, that the Empite of Learning is confined to their terri- rarunt.Eudam: tortes. Verfe 5c. That one manfhoulddiefor thepeople ] Abrutifh and bloody fentence : as if evil might be done, that good may come thereof. So, when Fare//m, that worthy Reformer, came fiat to genev,:, and was cónvented there by the Bifhop, as a difturber ofthe publike peace, one of the PoptfhAffefiors cried out, Away with this peftilent Lutheran; better he periíh then the townbedü= quieted. To whomFarellru anfwered, Noli Caiaphevoces,fedDei Scuitet.flìana1 verbaprcferre, Speaknot in the language of Caiphas, but in the to r.a. p.384. word ofGod, crc. Verfe 51. This hefjrak,e, not of hirrcfelf] God fpake thorow him, as thorow a trunks or as the Angel Ipake in Salaams afre. Wholefome fugar maybe found in a poifoned cane, a precious a (tone