68 A Commentary upon the Gofpel Chap. t 2 none in a Toads head, a flamingtorch ina blinde mans hand.. Verfe 52. Gather together in one ] In one fpiritual body, though inplace never fodiflant one from another, Eph%4.4. My dove is but one, the daughtersfaro her andbleffed her, Cant. 6.9. No fuck oneneffe,entireneffe, any where elfe : Other focieties.may cleave together as the toes of clay in Nebuchadnezzar: image, but not incorporate. Verfe 55. 'Before the P4enver, topurifiethemlves] They had their Parafceve and Proparafceve , their Preparation and Fore- preparation. wemull alfo purifie our felvesbefore theSacrament from all filthineffe of flefh and fpirit, cal. all thebaggage into the brookKidron (that is,the town-ditch) and then kill the Pafleover, Chron.30.14. Thevery Heathens had their cenampuram before their facrifices. Verfe 56. Then fought theyfor jeftyr] Whether theft were his friendsor enemies, the Dò$ors are divided. Vede 57. Hadgiven a commandement] So diligent were theyi . and earnell to execute that cruel decree of the Council. This is checkto our ofcitancie in the bell things.. What a fhame is it, that they fhould out-work the childrenoflight, in a thorow-difpatch oftheir deeds of darkneffe > and be at more paines to go tohell. thenwe will be to go toheaven ? CHAP. XII. Verfe i. Came to Bethany ]; T jO convert forre, confirm others, and to refrefh himfelfwith his fall friends,erehe fell into the hands ofhisbloody eneniies,_ So Crom oel,. Earlof Ejfex, going to his death, firfl called forhis breakfaft, and chearfully eating the fame, and, after that, meeting the LordHungerfordgoing_ likewife tohis execution,and perceiving himto be all heavy and dolefull4 with chearfu l countenante and . comfortable words asking him why he was fo heavy, he willed. . & Mon. him to pluckup hisheart,and to be ofgoodcomfort: For,faid he,, fr[.ro96, there is no caufe for youto fear, for if you repent andbe heartily forty for that you havedone, there isforyou mercy with the Lord, who,for Chriltsfake, will forgive you : thereforebe not difmaid :. And though the we are going to be (harp; yet,trufting to the.