Trapp - BS2562 T73 1647

A Commentary upon the Gofpel Chap, t 2 And had the bag, andbare] Our Saviour then had a bag for {lore, and fo big,that it had need tohave one fpecially deputed to bear it : This was yudu; who could be well content to bear the croffe on his back, fo he might bear the bag in his hand ; which he thought (as all covetous mendo) to be the belt tongue a man can cedbicouod, life for himfelf, as the Greek word here ufed importeth. But what an odious peece of hypocrifie is that in the Cappucine Friars, that none of themmay take or touch filver ? at the offer thereof they {fart back, as Mofes from the ferpent : yet have they ever a boy Hats. £pi(?. with a bag in their company, that takes and carries it, and never , Decad.r. complains of either metal or meafüre. Verfe 7. Let her alone] Chrifi crofted the traytour in his cove- tous delire offingering fuch a fümme. Hence his difcontent put him upon that defperate defigne of contraccling with the chief Horst. Priefts. He is refolved to have it, however he come by it : Rem, rem, quocunque modo rem. Take heed of difcontent. It was the devils finne, that threwhim out ofheaven. Ever fnce which, this geftleflè fpirit loves to fifh in troubled waters, to dwell in a darke- ned foul : as in Saul, envious at David : and as fome hereticks mif- fing ofpreferment, have invented theirherches, utfe confolarentur, as Epiphanies obferved. Verfe 8. The poorye have alwayes zrithyou] To give to when you pleafe ; and, in gratifying whom, ye may glorifieGod, and fe- cure your fitbftance : for Manuspauperum gazophylacium Chrifti,. faith anAntient. But me have ye not alwayes] And yet we have, in his poor members, the family offaith. Hence SalvianPricks not to fay, that Chrift is maxirraua mendicorum,the greateft ofbeggers: and addeth,,. Saw, ad re- Non eget miferii ,fed eget milericordiá : non eget deitate profe, fed ccef.CathhoLl,4 eget pietate profuis. Verfe 9. And they came,&c.] Do the Pharifees what they could. to the contrary. Truth may be oppreft, not fuppreft. Imp`ü flint 13 xla, 7xEq piorum e29déwxznr. This people l (like thofe branches of palm-trees ßan a b hdca ndedo. orne b tem, ver.13) f p r d and fprang up, the more they were. held under by theHigh-Priefts. But that they might fee Lazarus ] And fifh fomewhat out of him concerning the future eftate of the dead. But here they loft their labour. Verfe io. That they might put Lazarus afro todeath] In malice is Beeped the venome of all vices. What a giant-like madnefl'd: was;,