Chap. t 2. according to St J o H N. was this, to take up armes again{}heaven it felf? to feek to kill a man, only becaufe God had made him alive ? was it not becaufe they were even a&ed and agitated by the devil ? Si videris ali- quandó perfecutoremt turns nimis favientem , fcito quia ab a- fcenfore fuo damoree perurgetur, faith Bernard. ThefePharifees Mnf s choice,ls had finned that fin to death; which made another,in the famecafe, pag,34, with that his wife and children , and all the world might be dam- ned together with him. Hacket at the gallowes cryed out, Ohea- venly God-- -íhew force miracle out of thecloud to convert thefe Infidels, and deliver me from mineenemies : But if not, Iwill fet Camd,E.403 the heaven on fire, and with thefe hands, pluck thee out of thy throne : and other fpeeches he ufed,more unfpeakable. Verfe r r, Becaufe that by reafon ofhim] This was it that im- A6 CO tenpore bittered the Pharifees, as it doth now their fucceffours, the Papiis. WAPpie tihi 11ás Bellarmine bewrayes his grief, and tells us, That ever fincewe pro- efl'e cxpit, non claimed the Pope to be that Antichrill, his Kingdomhathnot only modo non c;e- not increafed, but daily more and more decreafed. And Erafmus vit ejieo impe- being asked by theElec'lour of Saxony , why Luther was fo hated ""m'epc D` by thePo ifh Clergy ? For two great faults that he had commit- PapaRom. I.,v. P gY C. Paid he, For meddling with the Popes triple Crown , and the Scuttet Annal. Monkes fat paunches. pag.2$. Verfe 12. On thenext day much people] Theenvious Pharifees feeding the while upon their own hearts. Ifae never increafed fo faft,as when Pharaoh molt oppreflèd them. `Plures efcimur,quoties metimur,faithTertullian. Verfe i 3. T'ookfranches ofpalm-trees] Plutarch writeth, that theBabylonians make 36obenefits ofthe Palm-tree and therefore dohighly honour it. `Pintus uppon Daniel telleth , us , that the Palm-treewill not grow in a fat ground, but in a light and fandy : And ifthe foyl be ftrong and fertile, theymull call fait and allies at the root,toqualifie the flrength oftheground.Sure it is,that ifpro- fperity be not feafonedwith the fait ofgrace, it will be unfruitful) and unprofitable. Hofanna, Bleed is the King, -c.] This fhewes they werewell feen inDavids Pfalms, which are, faithChryfofome, a rich froze- 741W a ;a:. houfe of all good doctrines : And they are fo penned, faith e. cha- vjtdxy ' nafrus,that every man may think theyfpeak deft, in refua, ofhim- rwv Tx'H'v. felf, andfor his particular purpofe ; which, ofother parts of Scri- Chryfoit. pture, cannot be affirmed. Verfe 24. When he had found a young affe] To make religion rr -- -- - F 4 dance