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et Commentary upon the Goflel Chap.' 2. Spec.bellifacri, dance attendance upon policie ( faith one ) is to let the affe upon p. Z4@. Christ, and not Chrift upon the affe. Thefe three things, faith Lu- Sapicntia mun- they,will be the ruine of religion, Unthankfulneffe, Security, and di , que volt Carnal policie. crania Verfe 15. Sittinguponan 4' 3 Not upon a {lately palfrey, as Mich. Adam an earthly Potentate ; but upon a filly afle,without pomp, to corn- in Luth. fort the poorest, andto teach us humility, tolerance, patience. An affe is a beaft profitable (whencehe hathhis name in the Original) ávnouse.Hine but borne tobear burdens. Oneramttir afinum, faith Bernard, & non Heraclidx so- curar uiaa znus e But what notorious affes. are thole fu erftiti- pbi,R C nova , 9 f f' p &yxcvpuoa, óv1 oats Papifts, that fhew the affes tayl at Genua in Italy, whereon our dixit iyxwpu. Saviour rode, for a relique, and give it divine wort aip ? Arenot or L'tolom. thefe given up. to the very efficacie oferróur ? SoPhilla - Verfe z6. Thefe things underffoodnot, &c.]. Theyonly beheld it; w°jph' `ire as a prettyPageant. They had read it often, in the Prophet, and &efts .ow law it aged; yet were never thewifer, for prefent. Read,or hear, though, thou underftandeft.not: God may drop in divine ..L light,when thou leaft lookeft for it. Verfe 17. when he called Lazarus, &c.] This notablemiracle, the Evangelift, as he had puntlually defcribed it, chap. i i." fo, he cannot but again and again recite it. We should fet forth Gods noble a..ts, andnot be fated. David never linns talking of what a a.'4,g- God had done for his foul. Thofe inheaven have no rest ( and yet: no unreft neither) crying,Holy,.holy,holy,&c.. Verse 18. For this eagle allo the people met him] To. the Pha- risees extreme grief and regret : to fhew that there is neither W(dome nor underflanding , nor counfel againi the Lord, Prov. zr. 3o.. Verfe 19. Perceiveye how ye prevail nothing ? ] Thus they stir u}í one another to more madneffe, as. if hitherto they had been over-milde, and ufed too muchgentleneffe. So- Steven Gardiner, Act: &Mon. being charged ofcruelty by Bradford,anfwered, I for my part have fa. 1461. beenchallenged for being too gentle oftentimes. Which thing. Bonner confirmed, and fo did almoft all theaudience, that he had been ever too milde andmoderate. So Bonner, in open Court to theLord Major : They report me (laid he) tofeek blood, and call li id. ¡ 37 me Bloody Bonner, whereas, Godknows, Inever fought anymans blood in all my life. But a certain unknown good woman, in a letter toBonner, toldhimhis own in thefewords : Indeed you are called.the common:cutthroat, and generail slaughter-llave to all -- chi