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Chap. r 2. according to St. ) oH N. 73 the Bifhops of England. And therefore it is wifedom for me and ft &Maw all other fimple fheep ofthe Lord,to keepus out ofyour butcherly Ao! 8C (tall, as long as we can : efpecially fence youhave fuch {lorealready, f that you are not able to drink all their blood, left you fhould break yourbelly ; and therefore ye let them lie Rill, and die for hunger, &c. Thus fhe to Bonner. As for D. Story, whowas . hang'd, drawn and quartered, for his treafon, in Q_Elizabeths raign : I fee ( laid he in open Parliament ). nothing to be afhamed of (thoughhe had been a furious perfecutor under Queen Mary) fo leffe I fee tobe forry for, but rather becaufe I have done no more: ibid. r 9:5. wherein he faid there wasnodefault in him, but in them, whom he oft and earneftly had exhorted to the fame : being not a little grieved therefore with them, for that they labouredonly about the young and little fprigs and twigs, while they should have ftricken at the root ( the Lady Elizabeth he meant) and clean rooted it out. The Lord Paget in a certain confiiltation Paid, that King Philip fhould never have any quiet Commonwealth in England, tbid.i899. unlefle Lady Elizabeths head were ftricken from her fhoulders. Whereunto theSpaniards anfwered, God forbid that their King and Matter fhouldhave loch a minde, to confent to fuch a mifchief. AWrit came down, whiles the wasin the Tower,. fubfcribedwith certain hands of the Councel, for her execution, Steven Gardinen Engc ,Zifabn being the engineer. Mr Bridges,Lieutenant ofthe Tower, miftruft- pag.iost. ing falte play, prefently made hafte to theQlieen, who renounced and reverft it. And yet ofher, that was true that ?ofephrys writeth ofAlexandra, Ipfafolum nomen regiumferebat,co terum omnem regni poteftatem Pharófai poffidebant,. Verfe ar. Sir, we wouldfee 7efu ] That is, We would have privateconference with him; for they had feen him, likely, as he came riding into the City. Our Saviour feems not to have yet ad- mitted them, becaufe the time appointed for their calling was not yet come. Every thing is beautifull in its time : bnt as fifh and fefh, Ecdef.3;r 1r. fo other things too, are naught out offeafen.. Verfe a3. That the Son of man Jhould be glorified] That is,. crucified : but he looked thorowdeath, and.faw heaven beyond it : fo mull we : then [hall we fay, Surely the bitternffeofdeath is pg. This made Simeon fingouthis foul : Hilarion chideit out ; Taylour Egredere, 6: fetch a frisk , when he was come near the place where he was anrma meat' burned; Bradford put off his cap, and thank God, when the Keepers wife brought him worst he was to be burned on the morrow