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74 A Corrlmerttay-y upon the Goftel Chap.i a A&& Mon. morrow : Roper Rand in the fire with his arms flretched out like a rood : Hawkes clap his hands over his head three times, when they wereallon a light fire, arc. Verfe 2q. Except acorn o f*heat, &c.] The Apoflles thought Ne lcfion qui- Chrift fhould have been prefently glorified. He lets them here de" audias know ' that hemutt firiffufter, before he enter into his for bear glorioiian, nifc gl y vaderrs privas the croffe, before he wear the crown ; paffe the ftroke of deaths erucijxurr, flaming fword, before he come into Paradife. Luth. epift. ad Verfe 25. He that loveth his life] As Chrift loved not his life Melan& to the death forus, fo neither mull we for him. If every haire of my head were a man, I would fuffer death in the opinion and faith Aft. & Mon. thatI am now in, Paid john Ardley Martyr, to Bonner. God be f91.438. praifed, faidD. Tailour, fince my condemnation, I was never a- fraid to die : Gods will be done : if I íhrink fromGods truth, I ibid. 138z. am fore of another mannerof death then had JudgeHales,&c. . Verfe 26. If anymanferve me, let,&c.]Art thou not glad to fare Ouxd;«7räs as Phocion ? faid he to one that was to die with him. Howmuch Td` w>úo" more to die with and for Chrift ? v0 u' zDBuvx- Verfe 27. Now is my foul troubled] Chri a perturbatio nos fuvc9-. Plut. 7 y f ] .i p tranquillat, & infirmitasfirmat, faithAugufline. Father,lavemefrom thishoure] As man,he naturally feared and deprecated death ; fuch a dreadfull death efpecially, as he was to fuffer. oe eerdsz.v017aOltairov, faith the Greek Letany ; by thine unknownfufferings, Good Lorddeliver us. Howbeit this was but withhis fenfitive will ; for his rational willwas ever the famewith that of his Father. Verfe28. Then came there a voice fromHeaven] God fome- timesgives a fenfible anfwer to the prayers of his people, as they are praying, or immediately after, as Dan.9. 21. Aas 4.31. And Luther praying for the good fiicceffe of Gods caufe in Germany, .came leaping out of his ftudy, with Vicimtys, vicimun, in his mouth. Fueruntprve'% Verfe 29. That it thundered : others faid, an Angel, &c.] But Apoßolosettam. the Apoillesand force few others underílood, that it was neither uliqua minus Thunder, nor an Angel, but God that fpake. In like fort now- retcri inter- ado es God fpeaks byhis Word, but few hear him in it. The word p etes. Calvín. Y p Y ofGod (faith Forbes on Rev.i4.) hath three degrees of operation in the hearts of men. Firft, it falleth to mens Bares, as the found of many waters ; a confufed found, which commonly bringeth neither terrour nor joy , but yet a wondring and acknow- ledgment