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Chap, t z. according to St j oH N. 75 ledgement of a ftrange force, and more then humane pow- er, Mar/0.22.19. Ads r 3.41. The fecondeffect is, the voice of thunder ; which brings not onlywonder , but fear : Thefe two maybe in the reprobate, as Felix , and the multitude inour text. The third effed,proper to theelecì,is the found ofharping; whiles the word not only ravifheth with admiration,and ftriketh the con- fcience with terrour,but alfo filleth it withfweet peace and joy. Verfe 3o Butforyour fakes] That ye might beleeve : which ifye do not, how fhall ye efcape , that neglect fo great falvation, fuch a heavenly preacher ? See then that ye refufe not,. that ye aiel, e Jbifr not ofhim that fpeakes from heaven : fee that ye turn not ,gi. fromhim, whofe voice once ihook.the earth , but now heaven H642.25,z6, too, tic.. Verfe 3 t The `Prince ofthis World] Gratian faith , Thedevil is Ilnatirit his called Prince of this world, as a Kin? at cheffe, oras theCardinall ConcL43. ofRavenna, only by derifion. The power he hath is meerly u_ fvrped, and'becaufe the world will have it fo, which even lyeth John 5. io. down in that wicked one,as SC yohrt hath it, that is, under the power duo od fr and vaffallage of the Devil. It is wholly let uponwickedneffe, mentotota Aaron faithofthe people,Exod.3 z.aa. nxor, Verle 32. e.fnd if Ibe liftedup d &c. ] Pope Vrban theSixth. faid, that thefe words , Give untoCafar the things that are Gafars, were abolifhed when Chrift was lifted up from the earth ,. and drew all things tohim; that is ( as he expounds it) when Chrift Jacob Rev+ de afcended, he drew to the PopesEmpireall Kings and their King- vit,Pont.p.213, domes,making himKingofKings,and Lordof Lcrds. Is not this a fweet Interpreter? Verle 33. Signifying what death, .cc. ] Be lifted up' betwixt dbfolom'Mart heaven and earth, as Abfolomwas , who therein faith Gretfer the furens penfil:a Jefuite, became a livelyfigure ofChriftcrucified. Sed ô mirum arboreobit. deliromfigserative crucisfabrunf ! nilibet no- Verfe 34 we have heard out of the LaW ] Buthad they never r,2m de leae heard out of the. Law , thatChrift mutt firft fuffer, and thenenter interrogatise, intohis glory ? Ifa..53. z.. Dan. 9. z6.. There's noneof us jews,.facilirir quart, faithyofephus, but being asked ofany point ofthe Law, can anfwer nomen Amin re-, to it more readily, then tell his own name. It is then ignorance_.tbondet Jof° ormalice that they thus cavil and quarrel our Saviour ? Verle 35. Yet a little While is the light,&c ] The dayofgrace, which isvery clear and bright , isduallya (bort one.. Therefore break.offyourfinsby repentance 7. be abrupt in the work for