Trapp - BS2562 T73 1647

76 A Commentary upon the Gofpel Chap. I 2' life is fhort, opportunities headlong, and,once paft,irrecoverable. He is the wife man that prefers opportunity before time, in laying hold uponeternal life : but foolsare tcmper viEluri, faithSeneca, they will , and they will, &c. fo they trifle, and by futuring, fool away their own falvation. Amend before thedraw-bridge be ta- ken up. Charles King of Sicily and 7erufalem was called Cun- Etator : not in the fenfe as Fabitu,becaufe he flayed till opportu- nitycame;but becaufe he flayed till opportunity was paff. Too ma- ny Inch. Manna mull be gathered in the morning,or not at all: and not kept till the morrow, left it flink. Verfe 38. That thefaying of the Prophet ] Thefe unbeleevers were not fuch, becaufe the Prophet had fo foretold it; but the Prophet therefore foretold it, becaufethey fhould be fuch. Like as yofeph's foretelling the famine , was no caufe of it, but anantece- dent only. Verfe 39. Therefore they could not beleive, e. ] They could not, becaufe theywould not, faithTheopbylaEl out of Chryfoftome, t;',2 ax. :who yet extolleth mans free-will more then is meet. Telagianis C Z. nondum litigantibtu, 'Patres fecuriits loquebantur, faith flu- gufline. Verfe 40. He bath hardened their hearts ] With a judiciary. hardnefl'e. This is in force refpea worfe then hell ; fith (betides that God infiiCts it as a punifhment of former obftinacy) it isone ofthe greateft fins,and fó far greater an evil thenany of the great- eft punifhments. Hence it was the Paying of aReverend man, IfI muff beput to my choice , I hadrather be in hell withafenfible heart, then live onearth7vitha reprobate miede. Verfe 41 When he faw his glory] His train only in the Tem- ple. Ifa. C. r. where theSeraphims are faid to hide their faces with twowings, aswitha double fcarf before Gods glorious brightnes, that would put out theireyes elfe : theyclap their wings on their faces, as men do their hands , when the lightning fláfbeth in their eyes. Verfe 4a. Lefl they fhould be put out, &.c. ] Which would re- dound to their difgrace : and this, thefe Ambitionifts could not a- way with. But what faith a Reverend Divine ? Bravely contemne all contumelies and conternpts for thy confcience, taking them as crowns,and confirmations ofthyconformity to Chrift. Verfe 43. They loved the praife of men ] Which what is it elfe , but a little ftinkingbreath ? Thefehave their reward, Mer- cedem v