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Chap.' 2. according to St j oH N. 77 cedemfuam, nonDei , faith Hierome. How much better Luther ? Hatedvelim, Erafine, gloriá aut nominovehi : Majoreft mihi ti- Hat fwd Nic` mor in laudibus, gaudium verb in maleditis & blamhemiis.. Verfe 44. lefus cryed, &c. ] As being now to cry his !aft to them, and is therefore fo earnefl in his conteftation. This was the Conclamatum eft to this perverfe people , his farewell-Ser- mon, &c. Verfe 45. Seeth him thatfontme.] For God was inChrift re- conciling theworld tohimfelf, and in him the God-head dwelt bo- dily Col . : So that in all our addreffes, we mull fix the eye of Faith on thehumanenature of Chrift,and there fpeak as toour God. Like as whereI fee the bodyof man, there Iknow his foul is , and there- fore I fpeak tohis underílanding , when and where I feehis body, becaufe theyare not fevered : fo , viewingbyFaithChrifts man- hood now glorified,I there fee and fpeak to the great God, becaufe I know he is there perfonally united. Verfe 46. I am come a light into the world] Not by participa- tion only(as the Apoftles were the lights ofthe world,Mat.5.I.4.) but by nature. How prodigioufly blafphemous thenwas that Bi- lhop in theCouncell of Trent , that (in his orationthere made Cornet.R applied this text to thePope,who at that timewas Paul theThir , cap.sipontin. an odious hypocrite ? That whofoever beleeveth in me, &c.] And he that this way Peeks the Kingdom ofHeaven, muff, withhim in ?On, look for Straroni,Pr. this Sunof righteoufneffe in the VWeft; that is,dying upon the altar vzu,ap. juftiia. ofhis croffe fo that! he become King ofHeaven. Verfe 47. I judge him not] Viz. Whilesl amhere on earth. I fuftain another perfon now , that men may come apace to me withoutfear. Some ancient hereticks held, That God inthe time oftheLaw, was a fevere Judge : and now, in the dayes oftheGo- fpel, he was all made of mercy and mildneffe. But the Apoftle faith fomewhat otherwife. Heb.2. 1,2,3. God is more peremptory inhisjudgements now, then ever of old. Verfe 48. The Word that I have #oke,n ] If the word ¡hall Judge us then ought it much more tobe a Judge of our doings, now, fadMl. `Philpot Martyr. Therefore let it beprefident in all Affemblies and judgements, faith Beza : as in thebricen Councell, Conftantine caufedtheBible tobe fet upon. adesk ,, as Judge ofall .controverfies. Yerfe 49, 5o For I have not joke of myfelf} Thedivine aur thotity