A Commentaryupon the Goff,el Chap.' 3: thority ofCofpel-do6trine, is here, in the clofeofthis !aft Sermon adpopulum , molt gravely aflertedbyour Saviour as that which . is undoubtedly authentick, becaufe it comes from the Father, e cu, Sic de Viroilro jut ore nil temeré excidit. `David (faith one) fets the 11.9 Pfalm Scaliger,dëTa- as a Poemof commendation afore the book ofGod. The fon of cite Peaches. David (fay I) fets this text ashis Imprimatur, his authoritative Li- cenfe, at the end of the Gofpel. And as a friend oncewrote to effgidius Abbotof Noringberg,concerning the I 19 Pfiilm,that they were, verba vivenda, non legenda, words not to be read, but lived : the fame may I affirme ofour Saviours Sermons, and I know that hiscommandement is life everlafting. CHAP..XIII. Verle I. That hefhould depart, &c. ] Caiv.inloc. Hisdefinition ofdeath, faith Calvin, pertains to the whole 1 bodyofthe Church. It is to the Saintsno more then a paffàge to the father, an in-let to eternal! life. Whether a Chriftians death be a burnt-offering ( ofMartyrdome) or a peace-offering ( of a naturall death) whether it be by a fuddenchange, as Eliah's, or a lingring ficknelle, as Elij7a's , it is a fweet facrifice afcending to God, as Manoah's Angel afcending in the fmoke. This made Bafil , when the EmperoursLieutenant threatned tokill him , cry eal'osav adc: out, e`,". yivonTO µoì, I would hewould : for fo shouldhe foon fend 7006'3'0. me to my heavenly Father , towhom I now live, and to whomI Bafil. Joa.Manli. loc. can. Pía o. delire tohaften. This madeVelcurio a DutchDisfne , when he lay upon his death-bed , break out into thefe fweet words , Pater eft amator , Filius Redemptor , Spirittu SanOus Confolator; ffi guomodo itayué triflitiis aci pofm ? The Father loves me , the Son redeemed me,the holy Ghoft comfortsme; how then can I be call down at the approachof death ? And the like triumphant wordswere uttered to me , by my late Reverend good friend and father, Mr john yackfon,PaflourofBinton in Warwick fhire, when he laya dying, and laid his fart charge upôn me, topreach Chrifl, who had fwallowed up death in vi Tory. To the end he loved them] Such fart friends are hard to find. ;IA& c'PnTov óv, A friend is a verychangeable creature, faith one; as foon on,andas loon offagain as foon in, andas loon out, as 7oabs dagger was ; clear at the top, andmuddy at the bottome, as