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Chap. r 3. according to St. J 0 HN. as ponds are; white at thewaxing of the Moon, and blackat the waning of it, as the fifh Sçolopidus in the river Araxis is faid to be. eflndronicm the Greek Emperour, whom but yefterday he hadufed molt kindly, and enrolled among his belt friends, upon them to day he frowned and tyrannized molt cruelly : fo that you Turk. hifi. might have Peen ( faith theHiftorian) the fame man the fame day (as is reported ofZerxes his Admiral) to be crowned and be- headed, to be graced and difgraced. So of Tiberiur,and Mahomet the firft Emperour of Turks, it is Paid, that in their love there was no afiurance; but their leaft difpleafure was death. Chrift whom he loves oncehe loves ever, and though we break oft with him, yet he abides faithful], 2 Tim. 13. and his foundation (land eth 4eady, having this real , The Lord kZno eth them that are his, verf.19. Verle 2. The devil having nowput] He is, likely, at one end ofevery temptation to fin : as the handof ?oab was in the tale of the womanofTekkgah. He rubs the fire-brandofevil concupifcence, andmakes it fend out fparkles. Verfe 3. 'efur knowing, &c.] This is prefaced to the wafhing_ ofhis Difciples feet; to (hew that he did it not rafhly, orout of bafenefle offpirit,as forgetting the dignity ofhis perfon andplace,. as Ahar, did, 2 King.r6.7. and thofe,lfa.57.9. andDavidalfo in the Court ofAchifb. There is a ravim", a comelineffe to be kept in everycondition. Verfe 4. He rifith from flipper] So the rite of the Pafchat flipper required : as Beta (heweth in his Annotations upon Mat. 26.20. Verle 5. After that he powreth water, &c,] 'So doth the Pope once a year,in an apish imitation ofour Saviour. As likewife,when he isnew elected,in his folemn Lateran proceffion,he takes copper out of his Chamberlains lap, and fcatters it among the people, and D. Haft or (lye and all) faith, Silver andgold have I none. Mau 5. zo. Verle 6. Then commeth he toPeter] Hecame fir(l to him, ( for the formerverle fets forth his intent, rather then his aft of wail.- ing) And yet S.Chryfoffome tels offome,that wouldneeds have it, that he beganwith ?udae. Like as the Papifls fay, that our Saviour appeared fir(l, after his refurreftion, to the VirginMary : though Orietes apuet the text be plain, that he fiat fhewed himfelfto Mary Magdalen. Area- . Thefe are like him in Ariffotle, that thought that every where he fawn his own fhape and picture going before him. 79 Verfe