Trapp - BS2562 T73 1647

A ColnrAtlatdry opon the ©o el': Chapa 3 Vérfc Ptit th&ù:Malt /tan) hertufter ] Different degrees of knowledge arebeítowed at feverall tifilés. Our hearts are like nary" rdw-mouthed veflels : but then (hall we know, if wefellow ott to ;Lnowr the Lord. Hof. 6. 3. and take heed that we leak not, Verfe 8. Thou fiialt never wailbmy feat] This was an ininío- aerate niodelty,a proud hufnility : fo is it in them that refufe Go- fpel-comfortsbecaufe they are unworthy. Domine , nonfort dig- nus , at rs»a indigens , faid `Pómerdn. tibi rtdeft nimia humilitac, trlatt.3,.r4. Thouhaft tooninthhumility , faid Licther to Sfdtìpiciet . So the Baptiff Was asMali toblame, inreftïfingtowafliQ!irift, asTeter here to bewafted by him. Verfe 9. Lord, not myfeet only] Here he feems tobe asfar out Media taatif/. on the other fide. How hard is it to hold a mean ? Vertue is placed mree ibi .Ovid. between two extrcanis, as the Planet 7,,pites between toldSibirne Ptin.l.z.c.s. and fiery Mars. Verfe re. Needed.) 3rw, five to *afi, hisfeet] For though bathed in that bleffedfountain, Zech.i 3.1. and fully ¡unified, yea,and freed from the ftain and alp.offin, yet not from the reliques, tokeepus humble ; that when We look upon Our feathers, we may withalt look upon the feet Itill defiled , and fo be frill cleanfingour felvëc from del filthietJJ'e offlei and.f jirit The inwards and the feet in it facrifice were tobe wafhed above the reft; becaufe the intrails contain the excrements : and the legges , becaufe they tread in the dirt. Anfwerable whereunto , we are called upon to trafh our hearts, ?er. 4 14. and our feet, here. Thecomparifon feems tobe taken from thofe that are wafhed inbaths : for though their whole bodies betides are wafhed ; yet, going forth , they touch the earth with their feet, and foare fainto wafh again. Verfe r i . Heknetbwho,fliaald betrayhim] And yet hevouch- fafed to wafh his feet. This was freependa dignatic, a wOnderfullèon -. defcenfion,an unparalleld patience. Verfe í 2. Knob, ye what I have done to you ?] This was our xara xta.stcur Saviours ufuall order to catechife hisDifciples , after he had faid or io Eccho rara done any thing fbr their initruaion. So did the Apoftles, gal. 6.6. vox bis audiri i Cur, 14. .19. nd thePrimiti'e Paitours : Theyhad their Credis ? dèbet, ram ex Credo : Abrenunciás ? Àbrréttunr'ia, as it wereby an Eccho, as the catechumen°, word importeth. exipf° Verfe 13. t-e tall)*Majler andLord] A little beforeour Savi- for. our came in the $e1Ìí , the Jewifb-Doaours had takenup diverfe titles