Chapa 3: according to St. J o-x N. 8I titles in thisorder : Rabbi, Rabban, Rab, Rabba,caon, Moreh,Mo- 447ed chrozol. renu, andMoreh tfedecl. Thefe they did arrogantlyappropriate to lag.¢29 themfelves But Chrift was the true owner ofthem all. Verfe 14. Ye ought alfo to waft one anothersfeet] What fo great matter is it thento falute others ? to feek reconciliationwith them, erc ? Angels think not themfelves too good to ferve the Saints : Kings and Queens fhall bow down to them with their faces to- ward the earth, and lick upthe duff of their feet, Ifa.49.23 Verfe 14. ForI have givenyou an example] v d'etnaa This S- Peter calls 2;Dye9.µiucv, a copy for us towrite after. And in Fet. Z. 2r. thefame chapter faith, -that we fhouldpreachforth C'hrijlsvertues: Ibid.ve9, our lives.fhould be as fo many Sermons upon Chrilts life, whileft é ay iAtiT weftrive to expreffè him to the world in all his imitable ,graces. This is to ivalkin ChrifI', Collof. 2.6. to walk as Chrif walked, yoh.2.6. The meditation of Chrifts meekneflè, converted the Eunuch, Ails 8. 32, 33, &c. And we read ofan Earl, called Efea- xaru4, that being given to immoderate anger, was cured of that difordered affe6tion, by f udying of Chrift, and of his patience. This meditation he never fuftered to pafte from him, before he h vita e¡ras a- found his heart transformed into the fimilitude of Jefus Chrift. pad sutiurre Cruxpendentis, cathedra docentis. Verfe t6. The fervantis not greater, &c.] Thisanfwers all our exceptions againff brotherlyoffices, I am his elder, better, greater thenhe, &-c. But which of us can fay, I am a God ? Chrift wafht his Difciples feet, though he knew that theFather had given all things into his hands, &c. as is exprefly, and for this verypurpofe noted here by the Evangelift verf3. Verfe 17. If ye know thefe things, &c.] Knowledge without practice, is but as rain in the middle region : or as a harne in the Unicornshead, which if it were in a wile mans hand,wouldbe very ufefull andmedicinab.le but as now, is hurtfull. Verfe 18. I know whom I have chofen] yoke hehad not cho- fen, but to the Apoftlefhiponly All this yud.0 heares, and is not moved at it fuch a ftupifying fin is hypocrifie. TheGermans have a Proverb, ,Qrf.em Deus exeacaturrss eft, linkprimiemoculo: élaudit. aucbalcei. AndLthe Latines fay, Dens querndeftruit, dementat. -God befots the .than, whom he means to defcroy. Uerfe 19. Ye. may believe that I amhe] And that ye may not {tumble orftagger, thoughye fee ?udas play the traitour. 2Tim. 2. a8, z9. The apoftafie of..Hymenaus and Philetu, a pair of emi- G vent