A. Commentary upon the Gofpel Chap.' 3, vent profeffours, was like to have fbaken many : In£omuch as the Apoftle wasfain, tomake apology,. Neverthelejfe,.the foundation of Godremainérhfore,&c. Verle. 20.:_ Verily, verily Ifay, &c..] Here our Saviour kerns to go on where he left , very.. 17.. That between, being a. digrefïìon,. Digrefüons,,, faith one; are not alwayes and.abfolutely unlawful!. Gods Spirit fometimes. draws afide the doL rine,. to. fatisfie fome foul, which;the. Preacher knows not : and fparinglyufed,: it quick- Eifiètdon thç eneth the attention. ButGod may force it,yet man may not frame co'o. it : and it isa molt happyability, to fpeakpunctually, directly to. the point. Verle 2i. Hewas troubled injirit. ] The Stoicks then were out,in holding; that pafli:ons befall not wife man : andJefuited ÇConzaga,was not fo much to be magnified, who would not_permit any man to love him : and when his father died, 'all thegrief he took, was no more.then this ;. Now, faidhe, there's nothing hin_ Caterum sr -_ drethme to fay ,, Our Father rohich art is Heaven. Chrift was yópp vide thorowl troubled here that any one fo hi hl advanced by him tur vefier Gon- Y g y ¶ ega c.. ( as in the former verfe , He that receiveth whomfoever ¡fend,. re- D. Prid. con- ceiveth me, &c. ) should be fo ill-minded towards him, as to be- tra Esdemon. tray him. 146 deteriores[mxec, pia meliores.efe debemús, faith Salyian, We are therefore the worfe, becaufewe fhould be better. z King4 T,9. It,was no.fmall aggravation to Solomon fin , that he forfook that God,that had appeared unto him.twice. Our. offencesare increafed by our obligations. Verle 22. Looked one upon another, doubting, 6-c.3 Our Sa- viour rifted them ; and hereby put them upon the dutyoffell:. examination; ever feafonable, but efpecially afore the Sacrament, db,qua gi- as here, . Let a man examine himfelf, ( and. do it madly,. as the aCor.i z.zg word lignifies) thoughtheheart hangoff never fo-much. Men are as loth to review their adions,and read theblurr'd writingof their hearts,.as fchool-boyesare to perfe their,leffons, and falfe-latines they have made. But this muft.be done ,. or they are undone for ever. And fparing a little pains at first, doubles it in the end : As hewho, will not cart uphis books , his . books will caít him up, at Calcti& entt,-$ength. Pulvenu'a' Verle 23. No* there was leaning on f eftm bofom ]' Somuff we 'xi ,inlecculis do at the ,.Sacrament,by the actuationof_oúr.faith, afcending up in- f raa fupine ja toheaven, and fetching down Chrift into the heart that we may cebant. Caly j g y in lac have .intimate;andintire.commuaion with turn.. By the force of our