Trapp - BS2562 T73 1647

Çhap.i3. according to St J 0 N. 8 our faith at the Lords table, cruci &remiss, fanguinemfugimtu, & cans intra ipfa Redemptoris noftri vulnera figimtu linguam , faith Saint Don. Cyprian. Verfe 24. Simon Peter therefore'beckned : ] `Peter, that here- tofore could not think his heart fo ,unfound as to denyhis mailer, now feareth the ugly.moníler offearleffe betraying.In mansheart, as in the fearthere isthat Leviathan, thereforealfo creeping things innumerable, Pfal:i 04.26. Verfe 25. He then lying on 7efias breafi ] eArdpeblus allapfiu, rn accubitu as layinghis ear to our Saviours mouth, that he might whifper him mos átle i tac- who itwas : forthings,were as yet fecretlycarried and the trai- cumberentnxo. tour not difcovered, fave to?ohn only, who knew Chrills foul-fe- reYai L pfad erets,and afterward receivedhis Revelation. Tacit. /. ri.. Verfe 26. He it is to whom I,flall, &c.]Here our Saviour not only feeds his hungry enemy ; but fhews him likecurtele as we do to one we drink toat table ; yea, though he knew the traitourwould makean ill ufe ofit. Thus fhould, a Chriflian punifhhis-perfecu- tours. Novengeance but this is heroicall , andfitforChrifts fol- lowers. Thus Bradford' faxed Bourn , that helped to burn him. Aft: &Mon. Saunders fent to prifon by Steven Gardiner , gave God thanks folg456. that had given himat laft a place ofreft and yuietneffe where he 15id, r3,5B. might tpray -for the Bifhops cónverlcn. It was grown toa Pro- verb concerning Cranmer, Do my Lordof Canterbury a shrewd Ibid 1692. turn, and then youmay be fure tohavehim your friend, while he Domine receda- liveth. Henry theSeventh, Emperour of Germany, feelinghimfelf t s:Unnt n fper- poifoned=in the Sacramental bread by aMonke,called him,andSaid unto him Domine recedati,e &c, Be gone, Sir, forifmy followers net,c'a nafiri > > > g Y dcvoti,morte find you, you will die for ít. rnn;remini. Verfe 27. Satan entred into him] Gat morefull poffe ìon of Func. -him. Let them that depart the publikeaffemblies ereall be done, as yudas did;take heed they meet not the divil at-the door. The fourth Canon.rq Councel ofCarthageexcommunicated fuch, and fo delivered them up to Satan_; which is a grievous punifhment ; for then they lie open to all wickedneffe , as /manias, whole heart Satan had filled from cornertocorner. Luther, when he had read - certain letters fent tohim fromVittuTheodorus, fetcht adeepligh,and raid, Heu, Seineccer:P,c- guam furit ratan , & impellit fecuros hommes ad horrendafa- da''`'hrift. gitia,gua corpus er animum perdunt ! Ohow the devil rageth and clrrveth on fecure perfons, tohorrible anddamnable wickednefle That which moved Luther to fay fo , was a fad, relation made in G 2 that