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84 4 C,miltentary upon the Cofbel Chap.' 3. that letter, ofa certain widow, who being withchilde by a young fcholar, could not have her child baptifed,unleffe fhe would tell the Prieft who was the childes father : Whereat fhe being grievoufly vexed, firft killed herr childe,and then hang'd her felf. Which when the fcholar heard of, he likewife itabb'd himfelf to death. The Prieft underftanding what tragedies had followed, upon his re fufing to baptife the childe, hang'd himfelf alfo.. Now, who can . doubt but all this was done by the infligation of the devil ? Men ufually defie him, and fpet at his name : but they fpet not low e- nough, they fpet him out of their mouths, but not out of their hearts : there he playes Rex, and fo long cares no more for their curling ofhim, thenhe doth for holy-water. That thou doefl, do quickly ] This is no command, but a pre diction by way ofdeteftation ; like as when God faid to 73alaam, Co, for I know thou wilt go after the wagesof wickednefl'e. Some wards 5 cam, note here,that,even to1udat, Chrift faith,That thou doeß,do quickly, fo odious is dullnefle untohim. Verfe 28. 1\T011) no man at the table knew, &c.] For ?ohn had not told Peter the fecret committed to him by Chrift, thoughhe xK eemea's were verydelrous to have known it; Sifapis, arcano vina reconde ?dAarref,rtn,- cado. A friend, that can bothkeep counfel, and give counfel, is ra` Töc 014w worthhis weight in gold. When one defired to fee Alexanders Liban.exemp. treafure, he bade one of his fervants Phew him, not his talents of Frog. ch, s. filver, but his trufty friends. Verfe29. Forfomeof them thought] An example of Chriftian. fimplicity. As bad men mufe as theyufe, fo good men meafure o- thers by themfelves; and fo areoften deceived, ashere. Charity thinheth no evil, a Cor.13.5 Or that heAmidgivefometbing to the poor] Chrift had not much,.. yet had fomewhat for the poor : fo muff even the poor day- labourer,.Ephefq.28. the neceflitouswidow,.Mar.i2.42.. Verfe 3o. He thenhaving received the fop] So many, having received the Supper of the Lord, eat their bane, and drink their poifon : that they eat is fawced, and that they drink is fpicedwith the bitter wrath of God : their hearts are wofully hardned, and . their difpofitions to finne feven times more inflamed then ever. before. Verfe 31. Therefore When he xvau gone out] The room being_ ridofthe traitour, Chrift deals more freely and familiarlywith the. ref} : and arming them againft the fcandal of the croffe, he calls his