Trapp - BS2562 T73 1647

Chap. t 3. accardin,g to St J U H N. his deathhis glory , efteerns his crown of thorns more precious then So/onions diadem ; looks upon his wales as fpangles , his blows on the face as ingots, his wounds as gemms , his fpittings on as Tweet ointment , his crateas his throne. This is aparadox to flefh and bloud : Jewes and Gentilesjear at it ; as Lucian the x ceent0n°m° Atheift, who railsupon Chrift blafphemoufly, calling him the cru- `lr °v °D¢/s ^c- cified Inipoftur : And as for Chriftians, they fooliühly beleeve; Luc. invita Peregr. faith he , that they (halt enjoy immortality, and live in butte for Per¡raferant ever : therefore they fet light by life,yea many ofthem offer them_ frbi iirfehces fc felves voluntarily to be (fain for their fuperftition. Thushe. And immorta1itate another Heathen Proconful , whenhe had tyred himfelf withkilf uiuros,eac. lin Chriftians and Taw no end of it but that the came thickm , y er A2tttis Atoni.- upon him, crying out, We are Cbriflianc, &c. he curled them, r:rfsinAfrasuax and cryed out, O iniferi,fTiber perire, nom vabis ropes aut refresde- perfequeretur font ? Owretches, can you findno other way to die, but I mull be chhri(tiauos,e?c. troubled with you? Terrutt, Verfei 3a: And (ball f(raightnay ] Thus for the joy that was let before him,he endured the crolfe,defpifing the íhame , as being fhortly to fit downat the right handofthe throneofGod,Fhb.; z. z. Look we on him, and do likewife. There were in Greececertain fields, called Palatine , where young men exercifed themfelves in wreftling. In thefe were fet up ftatues ofTome valiant champions, that the young wreftiers might fix their eyes upon them, and fo be incouraged. Can we chufe a better Champion then Chrift to eye and imitate,fhould webecalled to refitt unto bloud,ftrivingagainft Ciro ? He did not only fanguinemfofj'undere,fedeffondere : And how did he fupport himfelf underthe croffe, but by the fore-thought of the crown Verfe 33. Little children, yet`a little while] Here our Saviour aifeth the felt -fame words tohis Apoftles , which before he had u- fed to theJews, withwhom he was angry : fo to cut off all hope from them: ofhiscorporeal pretence. The flélion of the Ubiquity began about the time ofBerengariiis; was totteredand furthered byGerforo; Chancellour ofParis , who flail taught the reall ,corn- municatiottafproperties, by mean whereof the humane nature ofChrift received this prerogative Paid he, that at his Supper (and then only)it might be in manyplaces at once,wherefoever theSup- per was celebrated. But in the year of Chrift r l aq, yacobuu Fa- ber Staptlenfa.t taught at Paris, that by the fame reafon Chrift might be as well corporally pretent in all places at once, ashe was G 3 at