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86 4 tormenrary upon the Gafel Chap.' 3. at theSupper. For whichdoetrine ofthe Ubiquity,hewas oppofed the year following, by one NatalúBeda, and, by the Sorboniflr, banifhed out of France. This is the nativity of that famous Ubi- quity, which being caft out of France, Luther brought back into theChurches ofGermany ; Brentius furbifhed it over, andSmideli- nur obtruded it upon many ;places and perfons , whether they would or no : whence he is firnamed Vbiquitatis Apoflolus. How much better that goodwoman in the book ofMartyrs, that being Act &Mon. asked bythe Bifhops , Dolt thoubelieve that thebody ofChrift is in the Sacrament really and fubftantially ? I believe, Paid the, that that is a reali lye, and a fubftantiall lye. Domirius Calderinus the Italian, who flourifhed in the year 1442. when lie was calledby his friends to go toMaffe, was wont to fay (as. Vives tels us) Eamus adcommunem errorem. Verfe 34. Anew Commandement,&c.] New, ration claritatis facilitaris; for now there is abundance offpirit givenby Chrift, who writes this affe6tion in our hearts, as of old the Law was written in (tone. Betides that, he is become a newpatern and example of the rule : and fo, it is become a new commandemene, not in refped ofthe matter of the duty, but of the farm of ob- ferving it. For the old rule was, Thou Jhalt love thy neighbour as thy fell: But now that form (as Ihave lovedyou) hath fomething in it that is more expreflle ; and, for the incomparable fufficiency of the prefident, is matchleffe and more frill of incitation to fire of e hon : there being farce more incentives and motives to love, finte Chrift came, and gave himfelf for us. And this is appointed here, for the. Dikiples and our folace in the want of Chrifts bodily prefence, as loving fellow-members to ftrive by all means to delight in the loving fociety one ofanother. Verfe 35. By this Jhall all men know] Other mens difciples are known by their titles, habits, ceremonies, &c. as the Popes fhavelings ( which yet is grown fo bald a bufineffe, that now they begin to be afhamed of it:) but love is Chrilts cognizance, acknow- ledged by very Heathens, whocould fay, . that no people in the worlddid love one another fo as Chriftians did. As the curtains of the Tabernacle were joyned by loops,, fo are true hriftians by love. Philadelphia is blamed for nothing. Rev.3.a 8. Verfe 36. Whithergoet thou?] That deepconceit hehad drunk inofanearthly Kingdom, fo hung inhis light, that he could not fee whither Chrift was afcending. A little fawcer heldclofe to the eyes, hinders the tight ofa huge hill. bass L-Vives.