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Chap,ig; according to St. J o H N. 87 But thoufbált follow me] Perhaps, in the fame kinde ofdeath ; but to heaven, mofecertainly. Verle 37. 1 will lay down, &c. ] Peter was meulesTemper ani- Petrusfe Chri. matt quam armatacs, better affected then appointed. His heart g°°ipool it, fe deceivedhim, as did Davids, Pfal. 39. t, 2. He laid he would look here"& rutum to hiswayes, bridle his tongue, &c. but foon after, he brake his impofoir. word ; My heart Was hot, &c. Chryfofl. Verle 48. Thecocl¿f rallnot crow.] Chri(t mentioneth the cock quirt' tam flrenuum pugnatorem decebat tale preconium. So , Rev. 6. 13. Paltours revolt, as green figgs fall off, with no adoe. In the Marinate they fell to Popery , as falt as leaves fall in Autunn ne. CHAP. XIV. Verfe T. Let not your heart, &c.] (}Ur Saviour fweetly proceeds in his fwan -like Fong. eflian iv9mvúrcrov VJtells us, that he once heard a dying fwan fing molt heavenly rg,ì QW4c0A -a' and harmonioufly. The Poet (hews the manner of it,whenhe faith, 1,b Hiß.var -longa canoros Dat per colla modos-- Of the Sirens, ('on the Mortis articolo contrary) it is reported, that how fweetly foever they fangbe- infante , & fore, yet at death they make a horrid noife, and unpleafant roar- fanguine rxatè ing. Semblably,good menutter their belt ufually at la(t ; the wine aftct?o valdè ofthe fpirit being then fironge(t and livelieft in them. Whereas ncs èremn wicked men are thenufually at worft, and go out with a french, as the devil is faid to do : And as Melanc`lhon Paidof Eccius his la(t wicked work, written of Priefts marriage, Non fuit cygnea cantio, fed ultima crepitas : Lei^' fcut felis forgiens pedit , fie ¡Ile moriens 3-6.04anl. hunt crepìram cecinir. So of Baldwin the apo(tate, one faith, that vivere fimul &m..lediceredefiir, he died curfing,as that wretch Melch. Adam. did fwcaring, who defperately alfo clefired the ftanders by tohelp in vita CaIv. M. B olionsAc- himwith oaths, and to fwear for him. cue sera., 7. Verfe 2. I would have told you] And not have fed you with falfehopes ofan Utopian happinefs,as the devil deals byhis,whorn he brings into a fools paradife : as Mahomet by his, to whom he Blunts voyage promifes in Paradife delicious fare, pleafant gardens, and other pag. 6 . fenfuall delights eternally to be enjoyed, &c. Chrift is no fuch Impoftor. . Verle 3. i tillcome rigain, &c.] O look up and long for this G 4 confolarion