A Commentary upon the Gofpel Chap. t q.. eonfolation of /free! ; fay as Sfera's mother, Why arehis chariots (thofe clouds) fo long in coming ? Hewpietaa ubi prifca ? profana ó tempora ! Mundi Fax ! Vefjer ! prope Nox ! ó mora ! Chrifle veni. There mayye bealto] Chrift counts not himfelffull, till he have all his members about him : hence the Church is called the fulne(fe ofhim thatfilleth all thing.r,Eph. i.23. Verfe 4. eflnd whether Igoye %now ] Some little knowledge theyhad , filch as Thomas in the next verfe denies tobe any at all;.. yet Chrift acknowledgeth it. The tenour ofthe new covenant re- quires no fet meafures of grace. The firft fpringings in the womb ofgrace, are precious before God, Epb.2.1. he bleffèth our buds, Ifa. 61. i i. and in our dunghill ofignorance, can find out his own,. part of knowledge, as here. Verle 5. Lord, We knownot Whether thougoefl, &c.] No,Thc- mas ? what, are ye alto ignorant ? They knew, but knew not that . they knew : their knowledge was yet but confuted and indiftint ;, they faw men, but as it were walking like trees, till theireyes were Ayl.Tsatak. Nil better anointed with the eye-falve of the Spirit. Aman (faith one) grans joy,p.9 r may have grace , and yet not know it , (as the Embryo hath life, and yet knoweth it not) yea, he may think he hath it not, as we feek for keyes that are in our pockets ; or think we have loft a jew- el, that we have locked up in our theft : yea , as the butcher look.. eth for the candle that flicketh inhis hat , by the light of that he feeketh. Verle 6..Iam the wayand the Truth,e c. ] As ifhe fhould fay,. Thou haft no whither togo but to nor which way togo but by me, that thou mayeft attain eternal! life. Which made Bernard Kttcó: cram., fay Sequemur, Domine, te, per te, ad te : Te, quia Veritas, per te, ag Ztis ester. 35 quia Via, ad te, quia Vita. And thiswas one of thofe fweet fay- gigs that old Be.za had much in his mouth , a little aforehis. death. Noman commeth unto the Father, but by me.] Chrift hathpa. ved us a new and living way to God , with his own meritorious blond : and his flefhRands as a skreen betwixt us, and thofe ever.. laRing burnings, Ifa. 33.14. Let. Papifts fay oftheir Saints, Per hunt itur adDeum, fedmagic perhunt. Let us fay of all their Hec andShee Saints, as that Heathen,('ontemno minutos iflos Deos,modit ?ovem (yefum) propirium habeam. ?erfe 7. e/Ini from. henceforth ye knoW him ] Qr elfe the more