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Chap.14 according to St J oH N. more fhame for you, havinghad me ( his expreffe image) fo long amongft you. Chriftians have a priviledge above the Church ofthe OldTeftament. The tea about the Altar was brazen , r King. 7. 23. and what eyes could pierce thorow it ? Now our tea a- bout the Throne is glaflie, Revelations 4.6. like the Chriftall,, clearely conveying the light and fight of God in Chrift to our eyes. Verfe 8. Lord,j7sew sss the Father] They would have teen the 'Father face to face with their bodily eyes , as they faw the Sonne. But that no mancan doand live , Exod. 33. We cannot fee the Sun in rota, as the Schools fpeak, in the circle wherein it runs, but only in thebeams. So neither can we fee God in his effences : et,,revyicltu` in his Sonne we may, who is the refplendency of his FathersHeb.r.z. glory. Verle 9. Have I been fo long, &c. ] May not Chrift juf}ly flame and fhent us all for knowing no more of him all this while ? Ignorance under means ofknowledge is a blufhfull fìnne , i Cor. 15. 34. Verfe z o. The Words that I ff eal¿; ] Our Saviour alledgeth for himfelfthe Divinityboth ofhis wordand works. He was mighty, faith Teter, both in word and deed. Minifters allo muff, in their meafure , be able to argue and approve themfelves to be menof God, by found doctrine and good life. And not be, as our Saviour faith, the Pharifees were, andas epittetru faith, many Philofophers were fuch, ä:iß 773 uhxe 7iÀi7c117. Verfe r r. Beleive me that I am , 6-c ] Takemy bareword without anyfurther pawn or proof. This is an honour due to Chrift only, that he is, z.'um" s- s, He is p rnen , the f ithfull and Reve1g.1 true Witnef fe. Verfe 12. And greater worlds then thrfe. ] Greater in regard of the matter, as converting three thoufand fouls at a Sermon , re- ducing a great part of the world to the obedience of Chrift , &c. But yet leffe then thofe Chrift did, for the manner. For, r They did not them in their own name, but in his. 2 They preached . not that they were Gods,as he, but they preached Chrift the only Lord, and themfelves the Churches fervants, for Jefus fake. They were the whitehorfes on which Chrift rode abroad theworld , con- quering and toconquer, Revelations 6. 2, In memory whereof, as it may feem, the Saxon-Princes,having born a black horfe till then,in Cranzius itp; their military Ebfgnes did? after they had received the faith and S"x'n. were